The First World War And Comedy.

Memoirs of A Foxhunting Ma'am (Serious bits only)

Goodbye to All That (Fun stuff).

Dog in Gasmask

-The Cause of Nowadays.
1914-18. The Great War.

- Troop Morale.(Essay)

- Troop Entertainments.

- Punch.


- The Wipers Times And Punch

- Army Slang

1919-45. After The War.

- The War Books Controversy.

- 1. No Joke

- 2.A Parody Outline of History.

- Films (Duck Soup).

- Changing Attitudes.

- The Rules Of War

1945-2000. Present Day.

- Oh What an Updated War!.

- Blackadder.

- War is Hell.

- *REVISED!* Comics

-War at School.


- The Frightful First World War.
Dulce Et Download Est...

-Enlistment (Postcards) *NAPOO*

Rest in Billets (Sign Guestbook)

Inspect Billets (View Guestbook)

-News from the Front (Message Board)

- Latest Orders (News)

- Very Bad Form... (Mail me).

- Pals Battalions (Links).

- Bibliography.

- Role Of Honour. (Thanks).


Introduction, 1914-18, 1919-45, 1945-2000,Conclusions, Downloads, Enlistment,Billets, News from the Front, Bad Form , Pals, Bibliography, Role of Honour. FAQ's

So fargallant soldiers have made it through the first great push.

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