About Me

This is a berry personal page, so don't laugh.

This was me when I was 25!

And this is me now,
after the birth of the youngest one of the four lights of my life,
my son, AKA Jellybean,
who is now thirteen weeks old.

I am now *gasp* thirty-eight years old.

Okay, that really isn't as painful as I once thought it might be.

I'm a happily married mom of three adorable kids.
Along with my homemaking skills, I also make soap and jewelry to sell---
started my own business, actually:
McKenzie River Soapworks.

I'm a certified PADI Rescue Diver, and eventually I'll work on getting drysuit-certified
(although I've already dived dry twice without the certification
and used a drysuit for the second half of my Rescue certification
because of a severe case of hypothermia.)
I was once considering becoming a Dive Instructor,
possibly even a Medic First Aid Instructor,
as my original study plans were to become a Paramedic---
but I don't have the physical strength for any of that, as yet.
I would love to certify as a Wreck Diver,
Search and Recovery Diver,
and Cavern Diver within the next five years,
as well as attaining Divemaster.

Some of my hobbies include:

Researching shipwrecks of the Pacific Coast,
especially Oregon's.
Now I'm writing a book about them.
Check out my shipwrecks page!

Researching the Titanic.
See the links I have on my links page.
Or visit my own Titanic page!

Researching lighthouses of the Pacific Coast,
especially Oregon's
--- check out my own lighthouse page!

Researching female pirates---
obviously, Anne Bonny is my favorite!
Learn more about the real Anne Bonny here!

Copyright © 2007.
This page is protected under the copyright laws of America.
No one may duplicate my life, either written, electronically, or otherwise,
without express written permission from the author (me).

Back to the main deck....

Last updated (somewhat!) July 5, 2007.
All graphics on this page have been acquired from somewhere on the net
--- including this disclaimer! (Thanks, N.A.!!)

Do not eat the page. Harmful if swallowed. Do not induce vomiting.