I want to dedicate this page to the lives unnecessarily lost on the Titanic,
but especially to the one that has wrenched my heart the most:
little Miss Helen Lorraine Allison.
She was only two years old when she died,
and was the only child in the First and Second Classes to perish.
While many of you may condemn me
for not singling out one of the 53 children in the Third Class who died,
let me point out that Lorraine's death was lost
simply because her parents refused to leave the Titanic
until Lorraine's little brother Trevor was found.
The ironic thing is that Baby Trevor was already on board one of the lifeboats
because his nanny had scooped him up after the collision
and left without telling his mother where she was going.
The Allisons would not leave without their son,
nor would they allow Lorraine to go on without them.
Being the mother of a toddler myself,
I cannot forget little Lorraine,
and I hope you, too, can understand the attachment I have for this child.
I intend to share more of the lives of those who were lost,
and I thank ye for your patience while I continue to build this page of pages.
The most informative site I have found so far
(and thus my personal favorite is entitled
R.M.S. Titanic--- her passengers and crew.
This site has more information than I ever dreamed of,
and I hope you find it as informative as I have.
Created January 21, 1998.
Amended January 25th, 2001.
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