Name: Drifter
Website: Drifter's Place
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Alberta, Canada
Time: 1997-04-06 06:45:00
Comments: Hey!! Interesting page with some great ideas...Will be back again to check things out.
Thanks for signing my book too btw.
Name: David Litzenberger
Referred by: Advertisment/Brochure
From: Phoenix, Arizona, USA
Time: 1997-04-05 21:16:00
Comments: Nice page. Thanks for inviting me to come see it. I see a
lot of web pages while creating PROPITIATION AWARENESS.
Propitiation is the correct theological word for the
process of Christ dying for our sin so we could be
made right with God.
The Word of God says, "The reward for sin is death" and, "There is no
difference between people because all have sinned, and fallen short
of God’s glory." To sin is to be less than perfect in righteousness.
Anything that is less than perfect righteousness is unrighteousness. God being perfectly
righteous and good must punish unrighteousness with death. However, God doesn’t
want to destroy anyone but wants all people to have an opportunity to turn to Him and
change the way they think and act. To satisfy His own righteousness, God sent His Son
(who is known as Jesus) to die for the sin of all the people in the world, so that anyone
who would believe in Him would not need to be punished anymore. As proof of His power,
Christ raised Himself from the dead. After appearing to many eyewitnesses,
(Over 500 at one time), He ascended into Heaven and now is at the right hand of God.
Now anyone who will believe in Jesus, which was raised from the dead, and will call out
to Him will be forgiven for all their sin and given the gift of eternal life.
If you would like to know more about Jesus, God or the Bible
Then e-mail to...
Or write to...
David Litzenberger
P. O. Box 56992
Phoenix, AZ 85079-6992
Name: NiTeKiLLeR
Website: Traveller'Z Lodge
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: HeLL
Time: 1997-04-05 21:10:00
Comments: Hiya nice webapge..=) well done keep up the good work
Name: Rick Storey
Website: REX7'S LAIR
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Perth West Australia
Time: 1997-04-05 20:15:00
Comments: Realy enjoyed the visit!
Great Page!
Name: Terry Boyce A.C.T.
Website: A Little Touch Of Home
Referred by: From AngelFire
From: Truro, Nova Scotia,Canada
Time: 1997-04-05 20:27:00
Comments: Nice page , I had a good time here and will be back. Thanks
Name: Terry Boyce A.C.T.
Website: A Little Touch Of Home
Referred by: From AngelFire
From: Truro, Nova Scotia,Canada
Time: 1997-04-05 20:26:00
Comments: Nice page , I had a good time here and will be back. Thanks
Name: Dan Sargent
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Gardner, MA
Time: 1997-04-05 12:40:00
Comments: Good music - good content.
Vote for your favorite song on the PlayCity JukeBox
Name: Kristian
Website: Kaboom place
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Sweden
Time: 1997-04-05 13:25:00
Comments: What a cool site you got.
I really liked the link to my own harddrive...
You´re the best...
Please visit my homepage...
Have a nice day...
Greetings from Sweden...
Name: Matthew
Website: Tawaka's Cool Home Page
Referred by: From Geocities
From: Louisiana
Time: 1997-04-05 11:59:00
Totally Awesome Site! Come visit mine. I have some cool stuff for kids of all
ages. Original stories, chat, links, contests, and a lot of other cool stuff! While
you're there, sign my guestbook!
Name: Wayne
Website: Wazat Web Wide
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Newcastle South Africa
Time: 1997-04-05 11:57:00
Comments: I came, I saw, I signed. Come on over and sign my guestbook at

Click on the banner above to enter my site Sign mine and I'll sign yours.....
Name: Dana S.
Website: Dana's Homepage
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Washington state
Time: 1997-04-05 11:44:00
Comments: Hello,
Nice place you have here. One thing that kind of kills
the enjoyment.... the loading time. Angelfire seems deathly
slow. You ought to switch to
They are way faster and offer more server space. Keep up
the good work! Cya,
Name: Teresa Kung
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Tulsa,OK (Not Dallas!)
Time: 1997-03-30 10:26:00
Comments: hi, knat. I hope you see this because I am not signing your
guestbook AGAIN! I do like it though. it looks different
than from the first time I saw it. oh,well, maybe I'm just
imagining things. Anyway, talk to ya later! -Mother
Name: Daniel Shin
Website: Daniel Shin's Home Page
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Los Angeles
Time: 1997-03-30 01:53:00
Comments: Love your page. Please come visit
Name: John
Website: Home of the Virtual Viz Vault
Referred by: From WWW.LPAGE.COM
From: Under a damp rock
Time: 1997-03-26 05:58:00
Comments: Thanks for signing my guestbook, thought I'd repay the favour.
You have a nice design to your web page. All the best, John.....
Name: Elly Drummond
Website: Elly's Fun Pages
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Bellingham, Mass.
Time: 1997-03-25 21:36:00
Comments: thanks for signing my book! Nice Site! A lot of time and
effort has gone into this!
Name: Alrick
Website: The Lair
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Singapore
Time: 1997-03-25 19:41:00
Great Web Page!
Name: Toni Filmer
Website: Peachy's Homepage
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Australia
Time: 1997-03-25 05:00:00
Comments: Cool Page...
Name: Jennifer Bowen
Website: It's not up yet
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Lawton, OK.
Time: 1997-03-24 20:14:00
Comments: Awesome page!! Hope to see you all at district convention in April.
Name: Baby Girl
Website: Babys Cyber Land
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Cyber Way
Time: 1997-03-22 11:46:00
Your Page Is Totally Cool
Heard From Friend Keep UP
Great Work..
Aka........Baby Girl
Name: Kevin Kirkpatrick
Website: Idon't have a homepage *sniffel*
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Ontario,Canada
Time: 1997-03-22 10:51:00
Comments: U got the same Guest Book as mt sister.That's how I got
here,from her Guest Book.You have an interesting page there,
it's so...mystical!Just wondering,how old r u?U can tell me
if you want by e-mailing me.It's at the top.Just incase
it's not,my address is
Sending my love,
Name: nortech
Website: Nortech Computer
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Mi
Time: 1997-03-18 22:12:00
Comments: great a web site for highschool kids:) real nice
Name: Laura Chycinski
Website: Manistee High School Key Club Homepage
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Manistee Michigan
Time: 1997-03-17 18:49:00
Comments: Hey Nate, I don't know what exactly you added but it looks great but you know our page will always be better. See you at convention.
Name: Jeff
Website: Thine Land of Salizar
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Here
Time: 1997-03-14 10:53:00
Comments: Hello
Name: K. P. Chong
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Singapore
Time: 1997-03-14 04:46:00
Comments: Found your web site from someone guestbook and so I surfed in.
Wow ! You really did put a lot of efforts in developing your site. I like your web design and page layout in particular, very concise and attractive. How much time did you spend on your site ? 50 hrs ++ perhaps?
Anyway, I have bookmarked your page for further exploration.
Hope you could visit me at Web Friend Exchange. Over there, you could place your homepage URL here and makes more new friends on the net.

Name: Charlie
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: CALI NEV HA DIVISION 19!!!!!!!
Time: 1997-03-13 23:53:00
Comments: Hello from the smoggy world of Los Angeles! This is a really neat website. The Java stuff is really spiffy too. The only thing I didn't like was it kept asking me for my name every five minutes! But still' it's really neat!
Name: Edward Rhodes
Website: Edward Rhodes page
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Northridge Cali, KEY CLUB DIVISION 25
Time: 1997-03-12 21:40:00
Comments: What up everyone. I am the VP elect from GHHS high school Hey Club. MIghty District Cali Nev Ha.
This is a dope page and peace to all my fellow Key Clubbers
Name: Bryan (Havocboy)
Website: Sector12
Referred by: From WWW.LPAGE.COM
From: Snowy wastelands of Edmonton, Canada
Time: 1997-03-11 15:42:00
Comments: Hey! Thanks for signing mine! Great page!
Name: Libcon
Website: The Liberal Conservative
Referred by: From WWW.LPAGE.COM
From: North Carolina
Time: 1997-03-08 20:11:00
Comments: Nice page, I try to check out anybody's page that takes the
time to sign my guestbook. Thanks.
Name: April Nights
Website: not yet
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Oregon
Time: 1997-03-07 20:34:00
Comments: I don't have a home page yet I'm working on it still.
Name: Pegasus
Website: Pegasus' Realm
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Long Island , New York
Time: 1997-03-07 20:05:00
Comments: Great pages....:) Found you from another link on a friends page.
Click on PEGASUS for an Invitation!

Come Visit a Mystery Unknown ......
Name: Morten Opdal Grøtan
Website: Morten's guestbook paradise
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Steinkjer, Norway
Time: 1997-03-07 07:02:00
Comments: Hi there! Just couldn't resist your guestbook. When I see one, I run for it like a dog. My mission is to sign *all* the
guestbooks on the Net, and maybe get a large book myself, filled to the rim with crazy messages. Help me out, by visiting one of the largest guestbooks in the world!
You are my newest victim of my "Kill LPage Tour" (can't help it....)
Whether life has meaning or not, or if there are aliens out there, or not:
Come visit my COOL homepage

Hey, take a look at what Cymoril the Guestbook Goddess wrote about me.