Lindale Key Clubs Happenings
Prospective Projects for 97-98!
- I.D.D. Walk-A-Thon
- Slave Auction Fundraiser
- Candy Sales Fundraiser
- Timekeeping For Debate Tournament
- Ringing Bells For The Salvation Army With Kiwanis
- Pen Paling With 4th Graders
- Carroling At Local Nursing Homes
- Repairing A House For Habitat-For-Humanity
- Attended Both The Summer And Fall Weekend Of A Lifetime's
- Dieing During Red Ribbon Week
- Sell Human-i-Tees T-shirts for profit
- Help with Annual Kiwanis Golf Tournament
- Key Pal project
- Begin a Recycling Program
- Give Tours of School to Incoming Freshmen
As you can see we have several projects planned for this year, not to metion all of the extra projects that organizations ask our assistance on during the middle of the year! The list is probably only about half of what we will do. Here is some information about our club: we have about 70 members which puts us in the Gold Division, we are in Division 34 of The Mighty Texas-Oklahoma District. We have several projects in the works such as our homepage, a Builders Club, a Slave-For-A-Day Auction, and a Walk-A-Thon that will benefit I.D.D. Lindale is one of only two clubs in the division that has attended every Presidential Council Meeting & every divisional project. Lindale had its first mentioning in the Tex-O-Key in the first issue of the past year, unfortunatly though, it was said the member was from
Canton, not Lindale. Lindale now has its own newsletter called Keys To Success which is produced twice a month.
Links to members pages
Frank's Page