Johan Heinrich and Anna Davernice Klemmer
Witnesses at Weddings and Baptisms at St. Michaelis and Zion
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Recent research by Len Clemmer of Charlotte, NC

The following entries were obtained from Pennsylvania German Church Records, Volume One and cover various church events in the years 1747-60 at St. Michaelis and Zion Lutheran Church in Philadelphia, PA.

  1. February 10, 1747- Heinrich Klemmer witnesses marriage of Maria Barbara Artzin.
  2. November 24, 1747- Johan Heinrich and wife witness marriage of Catherine Bendere (widow).
  3. January 22, 1749- Johan Heinrich and wife attend baptism of Johan Andreas Staus.
  4. March 28, 1749- Johan Heinrich Klemmer and wife Anna witness marriage of Elizabeth Hausere.
  5. December 26, 1749- Andreas and Heinrich Klemmer and wife Anna witnesses of marriage of Anna Maria Frickers.
  6. April 23, 1751- Heinrich and Anna at baptism of Johan Jurg Bernhard.
  7. December 30, 1751- Anna Klemmer witness at marriage of Anna Maria Fishere.
  8. March 1, 1752- Johan Heinrich and Anna Klemmer sponsor at baptism of Hans Heinrich Koder at St. Michaelis and Zion Lutheran Church in Philadelphia.
  9. December 13, 1752- Heinrich and Anna attended baptism of Anna Maria Bitzer.
  10. April 3, 1753- Heinrich Klemmer witnesses marriage of Henrica Meyerin.
  11. April 15, 1753- Johan Heinrich and Anna Davernice Klemmer at baptism of Johan Heinrich Kessler.
  12. September 11, 1753- Johan Heinrich was witness at marriage of Magdalena Shaeferin.
  13. March 3, 1754- Johan Heinrich and wife at baptism of Johan Heinrich Spring.
  14. September 21, 1754- Heinrich and Anna Klemmer present at baptism of their son, Joseph Klemmer, born September 16, 1754.
  15. January 26, 1757- Johan Heinrich witnesses marriage by license of Barbara Sweikartin.
  16. December 27, 1757- H. H. Klemmer witnesses marriage of Catherine Santers. * It is not known if the first initial is mispelled "H" or if this is simply a relative of Johan Heinrich Klemmer.
  17. August 12, 1760- Andreas and Johan Heinrich Klemmer witness marriage of Maria Catherine Klemmer.
John F. Clemmer III, Len Clemmer, and Michelle Clemmer survey the Old Clemmer Graveyard in a wooded area near Dallas, NC in Aug 1995. Len has not only been one of the most active Clemmer Family genealogists in recent years, but has spearheaded efforts to save threatened historical sites and cemeteries such as this one in Gaston County.

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