George Ludwig Klemmer (1753 - 1828)
Last Will and Testament (June 28, 1819)
transcribed by J. Jeffrey Clemmer and John F. Clemmer III

In the name of God, Amen. This 28th day of June One Thousand Eight Hundred and Nineteen, I George Klemmer of the County of Rockbridge and State of Virginia, being weak of body, yet of sound mind and memory, calling to mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed to all men once to die, do make this my last will and testament. And in the first place I bequeath that I be buried with a decent burial and in the second place I bequeath to my beloved wife, Modlena, the whole of my estate real and personal during her natural life should she survive me to do with as she shall think fit and any of my personal estate that the said Modlena, my wife, shall think proper to sell during her natural life and the price to be put to bear interest and in the third place I bequeath to my oldest son George L. Klemmer one hundred dollars to be paid or taken out of my estate for services that the said son George L. Klemmer is to perform. And in the next place, I bequeath to Andrew Klemmer, David Klemmer, Mary Klemmer Brosius, wife of Jacob Brosius, John Klemmer, Elizabeth Klemmer Lunceford, wife of Reuben Lunceford, all to have an equal share of my estate. After that I have bequeathed to my daughter, Peggy Klemmer, her quota with the hundred dollars above mentioned to George L. Klemmer and a small legacy to my daughter Polly Klemmer McCormick, wife of William McCormick. I bequeath to my daughter Polly McCormick, wife of William McCormick, the sum of five dollars to be paid one year after my decease. And in the next place I bequeath to my daughter Peggy and equal share with the rest of the legacies and one hundred dollars more than any of them except my son George L. Klemmer. And I bequeath to Francis, Peggy's son, that she now has the amount of bond that is on John Lowman with the interest on the same until paid and the said money to be appropriated to the education of the said son.

In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 28th day of June One Hundred Thousand Eight Hundred and Nineteen.
Signed, sealed, and delivered in the presence of William Foster, James Alexander, and John Nevius

I do appoint Modlena, my wife, and George L. Klemmer, my son, to be the executors of this my last will and testament.

Signed in the presence of William Foster, James Alexander, and John Nevius.

At Rockbridge County Courthouse, Virginia on November 25, 1828
This writing purporting to be the last will and testament of George Ludwig Klemmer deceased was produced in court proved by the oaths of James Alexander and John Nevius, two of the subscribing witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded and Modlena Klemmer, the executor named in the said will having by writing which was proved affirmed to take upon herself the executor of said will who made oath, and together with John Nevius, his security entered into and acknowledged bond in the sum of one thousand dollars according to law certificate, was granted him to obtain probate thereof in our form of law.

John F. Clemmer III pulls out a magnifying glass to help he and J. Jeffrey Clemmer decipher the will of Felty's youngest brother, George Ludwig Klemmer, the Virginia pioneer.

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