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I loved Voltron. It was my favorite cartoon in the whole world. I mean, I liked it more than Thundercats, Silverhawks (although there it was a close call), and Transformers all put together. That's saying a whole lot because those were some pretty awesome cartoons. I mean, what do you think Power Rangers is based on? You gotta be a moron not to see the connection...


It's very possible that some of these are out of date. If so, sorry, but I haven't gotten around to updating this for a while. I'nm sure you'll live.

Voltron: Defender of the Universe-the Original Power Ranger-This shows what I've been telling people all along.
Voltron Central-This is a location which is probably one of the best I've seen.
Voltron Links-I've got more links than him, but that's okay.
The Voltron Force Homepage-This is pretty cool. Of course, I'm easily amused, so...
Chad's Voltron Haven-This guy goes to Ohio State too, so he must be all right. Okay, maybe he's a total loser, how would I know? The page is cool though.
Voltron: Defender of the Universe-I don't know exactly what the heck this is. I was confused, but that happens a lot.
Reaper's Voltron Memorial-This guy looks like he's just getting started with Voltron, but it's a good start so far.
The Ultimate Voltron Page-Well, there are quite a bit of Voltron pages, so Ultimate is a rather heady claim. I'd like to think of my own site as at least "decent". I don't know.
Planet Arus: Voltron Headquarters-See what I mean? This site is just as cool. Why can't it be The Ultimate Voltron Page?
Voltron Sounds-This one isn't quite Ultimate, but then again, what is?
Jason's Elite Voltron Home Page-Under construction as of now. If you want Voltron stuff, don't go there just yet.
Voltron-This page shows all the proper reverence to the cartoon, and it has a really original name.
Blazing Swords-The Official Voltron Fan Club-You gotta like that.
Defender of the Universe-Yet another original name. However, this one also has the cool stuff like referring to Voltron as "the best damn cartoon ever made."

This is all the links I'm gonna put on here for now. I think you'd agree if I said there were a bungload there. It oughta keep you busy for quite a while.

Here are a few pictures for you though.