This is your place on the Internet to practice your chemistry in an interactive manner, using some of the actual quizzes that I've given in my classes at colleges here in San Diego and elsewhere.

Sit back and relax, and get out your scratch paper and your calculator, because you don't get credit for just the answer. You've got to show me how you got your answer. Show your work on a calculation-type problem means that you have to write down the numbers and units for each problem, showing how you did your calculations. This is sometimes called "dimensional analysis" because you are converting from one dimensional unit to another. Sometimes, it helps to draw a picture or write down the chemical equation too. Since you won't actually be giving me your answers, I'll have to trust that you know what you're doing, and show you my work and reasoning for each answer.

I'll do my best to post a new quiz every week, so check back soon for another challenge.
Have Fun!

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