Thanks for signing my guestbook. Add something each time you visit.

01/28/00 23:19:14
Name: John Nichols My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Job Title/Major (for students): Pre-Nursing
City: Hesperus State/Country: CO

Looking for preChemistry prep materials before Introductory Chemistry this summer

01/27/00 01:06:21
Name: Sheryl Spencer My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Job Title/Major (for students): Pre-Medicine
City: Boca Raton State/Country: Fl./USA

I need help!!!!!!!!!

11/16/99 00:05:56
Name: Free For Chat My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Website de Nice. Merci pour me laisser signer votre guestbook

03/14/99 01:38:49
Name: eric buxton My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Job Title/Major (for students): Engineering major
City: Huntington Beach State/Country: CA

My first stop is here, sign the guest book. I hope to be able to practice the basics, like learning the cation charges and the names of the anions. Thanks for hosting this site, EB

03/04/99 04:53:26
Name: Melissa Ramos My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Job Title/Major (for students): Biology
City: Anaheim State/Country: CA

Aid for solving Chem Word Problems

10/19/98 16:32:40
Name: Edlaure Jean Baptiste My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Job Title/Major (for students): PRE-MED
City: MIAMI State/Country: FLORIDA


10/13/98 08:14:25
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing. Thanks.

09/20/98 22:11:52
Name: Anna Pulscher My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Job Title/Major (for students): Speech Communication
City: Waco


08/30/98 06:31:30
Name: Thao Phuong Tran My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Job Title/Major (for students): lab technician Company/Organization: Applied Biotech, Inc City: San Diego
State/Country: CA

I am taking chemistry 151. It is very useful to know this website. It is very nice page!

02/19/98 22:46:27
Name: Big Dog My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Job Title/Major (for students): Student Company/Organization: None City: Salisbury
State/Country: MD

Cool! Thanks.

02/06/98 09:07:22
Name: Ada Herwig My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Job Title/Major (for students): teacher trainer
City: Utrecht State/Country: The Netherlands

I am looking from questions on buffers. Do you know where to find them?

02/06/98 09:05:53
My URL: Visit Me


02/06/98 09:02:33
Name: Ada Herwig My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Job Title/Major (for students): teacher trainer
City: Utrecht State/Country: The Netherlands

I wonder if anybody will ever read what I have written her, I wonder if anybody will ever send me an e-amil wondering what a teacher trainer from the Netherlands is doing reading this page.

12/16/97 22:01:30
Name: ciro monti My URL: Visit Me
City: naples State/Country: italy

ho visitato le vostre pagine per conto di mia figlia che frequenta il corso di laurea in C.T.F. (chimica e tecnologie farmaceutiche) e sta preparando l'esame di chimica .Giudico suoi quiz utili ma spero che al pił presto aumentino di numero i siti dove poter esercitarsi .

11/06/97 22:18:26
Name: David Chambers My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Job Title/Major (for students): Computer Science/Pre-med Company/Organization: Millsaps College City: Jackson
State/Country: Mississippi/USA

Doing a project for my chemistry class and liked your homepage. Visit our college's chemistry home page at

11/01/97 11:15:15
Name: Arthur Cole
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Hello neighbor, Just a little suggestion from your neighbor at 4272...have you thought about putting a GeoGuide Applet on your would allow net surfers to get to both our pages better.

10/19/97 21:55:46
Name: D. Fuller My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Job Title/Major (for students): Business/ finance Company/Organization: Park College City: Parkville
State/Country: Mo

I like your quizzes. But I wish you explained why with your answers.

10/08/97 03:43:32
Name: Terry Marshall My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Job Title/Major (for students): BS Nursing
City: Mt. Vernon State/Country: Texas


10/01/97 03:15:49
Name: patti ellis My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Job Title/Major (for students): Environmental Chemistry
City: Vancouver State/Country: British Columbia, CANADA


09/25/97 23:28:29
Name: b wills My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Job Title/Major (for students): chemistry teacher Company/Organization: bluefield high school City: bluefield
State/Country: wv


09/24/97 01:31:46
Name: Carla Swingle My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Job Title/Major (for students): Biology
City: Newark State/Country: NJ/USA

I really enjoy being able to work on extra practice questions. I feel that more examples of how to correctly work the questions should be given.

08/08/97 23:33:12 GMT
Name: david aguilar My URL: Visit Me
Job Title/Major (for students): biology City: phoenix
State/Country: az


06/24/97 00:11:55 GMT
Name: ChemDoc My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Job Title/Major (for students): Chemistry Professor Company/Organization: Miramar College City: San Diego
State/Country: California/USA

Yep, it's me. Checking to see if this works. Can I put a web link in here? I'm busy updating my Chem 151 home page. Please sign in and let me know how you like the ChemDoc pages.

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