MUSH Characters

For those who have actually dared go through and find out what led to my downfall, and who don't know what a MUSH is, it's a Multi-User Shared Hallucination. At least that's how I've always known it...yeah, it sounds like a drug, and to me, it got very addictive. MUSHes weren't the beginning of my net existence, but they were a big part of what dragged me down in the end. I found out about these 'chatrooms that weren't chatrooms' at the end of my freshman year, which gave me a somewhat good year on my transcript. Since then, I've been involved on over ten MUSHes, and failed a good number of classes (nowhere near ten though). I've learned my lesson however, and now I'm down to two, and a MUD (Multi-User Dungeon). The MUSH characters deserve special recognition, because I've had them for over two years now, so I'm giving them their own pages.

A lot of people have no idea who Feron is. Not that he was the most notable member of Excalibur...he was often left behind on missions to do chores. Yet when my love of magic mixed with who was still available on the list of features, as well as a love of Nightcrawler since the six person X-Men game came out, there was really no other choice.

I'm pretty sure that I created this character shortly after the series premiere of Party of Five on Fox, because he and the character I have on Dark Metal could be twins. Of course, if you imagine my character with a Native American heritage, not to mention the ability to speak with spirits and read minds, then you begin to see the difference.

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