Aaron: Of course we never had anything to sell!
Brad: Oh yea. cool.
Scott: And now we don't even exist anymore!
Aaron and Brad (looking at each other): Bummer!
Here's a couple segments of our first song in .mov format, "Candy Bars," available for download!
To play them, all you need is a player or a Netscape plug-in for quicktime movie files - get it here!
(1)Here's the intro and part of the first verse. (361K)
(2)This one's the solo section followed by the last chorus. (351K)
Here's a single clip, and it's one of our last songs recorded - the whole thing! The song's in Real Audio format, so get the latest player here if you don't already have it!
(3)"No Title" - from front to back! (556K) <--that's excellent, for the entire song! Download it now!
If you wanna hear some cool tunes, take a few minutes to listen to these clips- they shouldn't take toooooo long to download!
Scott's (the drummer's) homepage
Brad's (the guitarist's) homepage - be careful, it can be disorientating...you've been pre-warned!
By the way, you are person number
to make it to this page (although I'm sure its more than that)!
©1996-98 Fivecase productions