There are BROTHERS who areMISSING! Do you know where they are?
Robert Allen, Ted Ambrose, Charles M. Berkman, Stan Bernaski, Arnie Blenner, Herbert Burbank, Barry H. Cohen, Donald Cooper, Anthony Corvo, Joseph Cumbo, William Devine, Lawrence E. Ehrlich, Jeffrey A. Eisenstein, Jerry Feldman, Sal Fiordelisi, Ramon Font-Felizola, Ronald French, Howard B. Friedlander, Carl Gardin, Pat Garret, John Hackett, Gary Hayes, Theodore Heller, Ken Hellman, Gene Hoffman, John Hutchko, Cliff Jacobson, Terry Juchnowski, Hal Kaufman, John Kelly, William Kennedy, Melvin Klein, Marvin Kreiner, Bob Lagan, Edward Layton, Marty Lennard, Steve LePage, Michael Lichtenstein, W. Lucas, Neil Marshall, John May, Richard Mindell, William Myers, Ernest Ostheimer, Cliff Parris, Ed Pettit, Thomas Quinn, Jeff Reiter, Henry (Hank) Roth, Ed Schwartz, Gary Schwartz, Murray Schwartz, John Shanley, Lon Silvers, Alan Simon, John M. Smith, George St. Hillaire, Philip Sweet, Walter Trautfield, and Frank Vadas.
Any help you can give (last known address, parents address, UB roommate, business field, etc.) to find a missing brother would be a great.

Gary Singer writes that he and Bunni have moved. Here are the vitals:
New Address:
7125 Victoria Circle, University Park, FL 34201
New Phone #: 941 - 355 - 4515
Cell and E-mail remain the same:
Cell: 941 - 224 - 1861
Gary: garbun@earthlink.net
Bun: Bun511@earthlink.net

Another brother has found his way to our web page. Norm Cohn emailed me on June 4th to say Paul Bagoon's son, Scott was tracing the Bagoon history and up poped the POC site. If you want to get in touch with Norm his email address is below. Here is the data Norm sent us.
Class of 67
To the right of the infamous Paul Bagoon in the 67 POC photo
Married 27 years to Kirsti
Son -David 27 and Daughter-Tova 24
General Contractor/Developer
Sandbridge, Virginia (Where the TV cameras come to film the hurricanes)

Good News reached me today May 13th, 2002. A lost brother is no more. Joseph Gavin has found himself and anyone can reach him at his email address below. Here is the information Joe sent me.
Joe Gavin
1403 Palley Ct.
Bridgewater, N.J.08807
E-Mail gavinjands@aol.com
Married-Sheila Gifford Class of ' 60 UB
Retired from Domino Sugar ' 99-Gen Sls Mgr
Two (2) daughters
Six (6) grandchildren
Summer Address
13 Susan Ave.
Beach Haven N.J. 08008
Joe was interested in anyone knowing the where abouts of Wayne McDuffie? Please email Joe if you have any information.
The follow is a list of BROTHERS who are presently ONLINE as of March 7, 1999. You may contact them using their email addresses. Just click on their email addresses below:
Barry, Howard................hbarry123@aol.com
Brandenburg, Ron.............Ron2@mindspring.com
Broder, Howard.............. Howie2017@aol.com
Brooks, Ted..................rvstrider@aol.com
Chamberlain, George..........GGeorgeEC@aol.com
Cohn, Norm...................normcohn@yahoo.com
Cupo, Tom....................tom@cupo.com
Danilow, Michael.............mpude@aol.com
Dickman, Marshall.............marshall@msdmarketing.com
Feldman, Steve...............feldyfolly@aol.com
Fisher, Howard.............. NINII@aol.com or Fisher_Howard@cibt.bio.cornell.edu
Frenz, Fred.............Pyman1@juno.com
Fronstin, Fred...............FFronstin@aol.com
Gavin, Joe................gavinjands@aol.com
Glick, Bill.................WGLICK@MEDIAONE.NET
Green, Jeff...................Gebs@worldnet.att.net
Halpern, Ken................ kenskorp@yahoo.com
Halsey, Jim...................JHH3@columbia.edu
Handler, Dick............... Dick Passed away 10/99
Israel, Mark.................izzy4321@aol.com
Jacobs, Ellis................ellis.jacobs@gte.net
Joffe, Dan................... djoffe@optonline.net
Kahn, Mitch................. mkahn@ramapo.edu
Klaber, Jimmy................AJimmy4me@aol.com
Kovacs, John.................landings1@juno.com
Kroll, Steve.................Jahze@netzero.net
Laemel, Bob..................rlamel@ircc.net
Lapidus, Paul................palapidus@netscape.net or his business website at http://www.newfuntiers.com
Leeson, Dan................. leeson0@attglobal.net
Lerner, Larry.................solmagus@optonline.net
Mabli, Jimmy................ jjmabli@earthlink.net
Malka, Roland Sam.......Rsamdiego@aol.com
Miller, Jon.......Miller56Jon@aol.com
Mosco, Charles...............chmosco@vassar.edu
Nelson, Ed.................. ednelson@writeme.com
Ortner, Neil................ Retref@aol.com
Rabin, Steve.................Mollur@aol.com
Richardson, Ron...............saratrk@global2000.net
Riger, Marty..................coachrig@aol.com
Schaffel, Ivan.............. ivan.schaffel@snet.net
Schimelman, Norm.............normschim@aol.com
Schwartz, Harold............. chias@prodigy.com
Simon, Harry..................hlsimon@cwixmail.com
Singer, Gary................ GarBun@comcast.net
Smith, Charles J. .......... CJHRS@juno.com
Spengler, Robert ............thebobbert@aol.com
Winick, Mark ..............winick773@aol.com

Feedback is the only way to perfection
Click on the envelope icon above and let me know you were here.
Or even better, sign our guestbook further down the page so other brothers can read your words.

Our Founding Brothers at Hell Night
Many brothers feel the way I do about POC, but Jimmy Klaber has been able to put many of these feelings into words. Below is Jimmy's message for us all. Read it and email him back how you feel.
".....Probably the most significant happening of my college career was Pi Omega Chi (POC). You're right. I had an unforgetable college life. Happiness was everywhere. There was meaning, purpose, achievement...dreams, love...good stuff all around us, then. I think I became me in those years.
It was the fraternity into which I was born. Everybody was caught up rushing and being rushed. Not me. Sure, I liked the attention the other fraternities paid to me. It was actually quite flattering. But, I knew I was "going" POC. So did most of the guys in the other fraternities. In fact, I even rushed other guys...tried to get them to "Commit," as it was called in those days.
My parents, G-g bless them eternally knew they'd marry one another immediately after they met. I knew, almost the same way...I was born into my family ...my brothers of choice. There have never been any regrets, only prayers of thanksgiving. I am and have always been accepted for who I am, loved without hesitation, nor reservation and no one has ever tried to change who I am. There is no place left on earth which affords me the same warmth...In fact, some of the people whom I have always considered heroes are among my fraternity brothers.
When people have asked me about fraternity life, it was usually with some modicum of cynicism attached to the question. My reply usually shut their mouths for good.
"We sang the sweetheart song to many of the betrothed of the brethern. I still remember most of the words and the fact I couldn't reach the high notes. Most of those couples are still together."
"I frequently brought my brothers home to meet my parents and family. It has always made me proud to introduce my brothers to my parents and my sister. They brought honor into our home. My parents always considered them to be family."
"When we get together to sing the brothers' song, we are transported back to a moment in time that was the best of times. Everyone who watches us sing that song, knows we're someplace else...together...and there are brothers who've departed from our midst, who are back in that circle with us ...singing their hearts out, again, side by side...arm in arm...Sandy Mehr, Steve Berry, Howie Steinhart...every time the brothers circle up, they're back with us...like they never left"
Thirty-three years later, I am instantly comfortable with each one of my brothers. It is absolutely remarkable how much we still resemble our college personnae, even though we met in 1964, 1965, 1966, 1967 and 1968. Some of us (the Long Island boys) have been friends since 1960. We have seen each other and been in touch somewhat over the years, but I think the 1994 Grand Reunion was a cataclysmic shock of epic magnitude. We ALL discovered the universality of our love for one another...the magic bond. This was true for peer groups of different eras within the fraternity, too. I think all of our group really would prefer to be together again and stay there. No one wanted to leave.
Many tears were shed, many hugs and very wonderful embraces of pure love were given that night during the April 1994 reuinon and at the 1996 reunion in Las Vegas. The same "magic" happened for the women who were present. No one escaped the emotion and we took no prisoners!
There are at least another 50 guys who would have easily fit the profile if they had been there in Vegas...of our era. We've tried that in 1994 in New York...and nearly EVERYBODY attended. The results were so emotionally overwhelming, that I hardly have the words or the strength to describe the feelings we ALL shared. Absolutely unbelievable! It was really CAMELOT. For one brief moment in time, there was a place called Camelot...and we were back there, again. It was like a cross between the movie "Cocoon" and an episode of the "Twilight Zone." No one wanted to ever leave. If we could have found any way at all to preserve the moments we spent together, I am absolutely convinced each and every person would have stayed forever. It is like no other earthly experience I have ever been through in my life...and I know I speak for all of us when I tell you that.
Something magic happened to us in the 60's when we got together in the first place. We sort of knew it then. Thirty or so years later, we all know it still powerfully exists, intellectually and emotionally.
I used to think the phenomanon was a combination of the generation of the 60's, the drugs, the political climate, all of us being away at college together, the sociology of inbred selection processes of college fraternities, coincidence and luck. In more recent years, I thought perhaps it was the melancholy of middle age catching up with all of us...you know, trying to relive the past in an attempt to forestall the inevitable future. I was very much mistaken. There is something much more to it than that.
The brothers of Pi Omega Chi Fraternity at the University of Bridgeport from my era, at least, have been blessed...touched...by something greater than the sum of all of us. It has proven to be everlasting. The love we have mainifest towards one another and the bonding we have experienced with one another over these many years is akin to the love, bonding and closeness of biological siblings. In many respects, it is closer than that which any biological siblings experience.
If I spend the rest of my days working at it, I will never, ever be able to say "thank you" in the proper manner...worthy of the blessings I have received, just being a part of this magic...of the magic of these wonderful men...my brothers.
There's magic in them. We share it all the time. I feel as though we've been together - happily - for many years, and that we are only temporarily separated...awaiting the reunification that will once again make us happy, whole and complete. Why am I crying as I write this? Am I imagining all of this? Am I inventing this connection? Is this the ideal I've been trying to regain and never found? Am I the only one of us who has these feelings? I feel like such a baby...
Something has happened...
I AM a King
EVERY man is a King
Thank You...POC
Visit Jimmy Klaber at his own picture area. Why do you ask does Jimmy have his own spot? Because he sent me some pictures to post. Go on, visit him and let him know how much you enjoyed seeing him. Click on the link below:
Jimmy's Pixs
Gary Singer was reviewing long forgotten stuff hiding in his computer files, and came across these never to be forgotten POC memories that he penned for a 1994 reunion. This was before we lost Dick Handler (and sadly,probably a few others). Gary writes, "These were, and will forever be, the best years and memories of my life. Every brother was a "king", and still is. Just needed to share these thoughts once again. Fraternally, Gary"
April, 1994
Open letter to my POC Brothers...
Dick Handler used to be my friend. He once was a good guy. We were double fraternity brothers (POC & Pi Delta Epsilon), both editors of THE SCRIBE, and Sherm Levy and I even let Dick (and Leigh Danenberg) muscle in on our personalized napkin and match book business.
Dick Handler is now a first class fink! he has evilly, purposefully and maliciously scheduled two consecutive POC reunions on dates that he knew Bunni and I would be out of the country. He obviously has a direct line to my travel agent, learns my schedule, then plans the reunion. I will hate him for the rest of my life... or until April 24th... whichever comes first. If indeed POC was born in December, 1947, a Golden Anniversary is certainly in order for 1997. An earlier date is good, too. I will cancel any and all plans for the next one. That�s a promise. POC was an important part of my wayward youth, and POC memories are frequent and warmly remembered.
Per Dick�s request, here are a few presidential reflections of my regime (1954). I can�t promise brevity.....
Stealing a Bridgeport traffic light for my pledge task. It hung proudly at 816 Broad. Would still be there had not I-95 decided to detour thru my old bedroom ...... The wild parties at 816.... Yolanda (Babe) Delmore, our �54 POC sweetheart. I run into her in Westport every once in awhile... Has it occurred to everyone that we were the original Green Berets, long before Viet Nam ... The BugLight, where a lot of bugs and a little light never deterred a POC beer orgy.... Checking out Nina Silver�s sweaters ... the big grudge softball game against Sigma Phi Alpha (referred to privately as �the Jews vs. the Jocks�), The Jocks won big!.....My brothers good wishes when I motored up to Skidmore almost every weekend to see Bunni, then to �pin� her, then ring her, then marry her -- 41 years ago this August.
I read with sadness, yet with warm memories, news of the death of good friends like Sid Litwak, Bernie Milove (whom I sponsored into POC), Ed Anderson (owner and resident genius of 816 Broad). And Sherm Levy -- my roommate, best man and
best friend.
And I remember sharing fond moments with �Nono� Hahn, Bob Blatt, Ron Gold, Dick and Carol Handler, Charlie Smith, Phil Carrubba (and Gilda), Dan Leeson (who sponsored me and was a fellow �Kampus King�, our cool but short-lived dance band), Bob C. Levine, Leigh and Ann Danenberg, Jerry and Carol Frank, Bernie Frank, Sam and Audrey Marks, Bill Jarboe (the coolest of the cool), Wes Hobby (with whom I�ve recently reconnected) (How do you like that sentence structure, Marty Hosen?) ... and lots of other good times and great memories.
I will miss not reliving all this with all of you and will look forward to the next one. Have fun. Be happy. Be healthy. Think kind thoughts, and be good to yourself... and each other.
Warmest regards and fraternal love, Gary
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Ready for some past formal pixs?
Pi Omega Chi 1967
Pi Omega Chi 1968

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In POC, in POC, where every man's a King.
In POC, in POC, we laugh, we dance, we sing.
With our beer steins on the table,
We drink when we are able.
We don't give a damn for any old man,
� 28 March 2007 NINII@aol.com