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I am a Professor in the Department of Counseling and Student Affairs at Western Kentucky University in Bowling Green. I coordinate the Master's Degree Program in Student Affairs in Higher Education.

Recent graduates of Western Kentucky University's Master's degree program
in Student Affairs in Higher Education include (from left)
Gracie Rice, Mark Zimmerman, Susan Hudson Zimmerman, Shannon Rich, Cindy Strine, Marvin Schoenecke, Lynne Holland, Connie Redmon, Steve Briggs, and Charlie Pride.

Why I don't like the GRE!

Educational Background

Ed.D. (1988)
Northern Illinois University
Major: Educational Administration
Emphasis: Higher Education Administration

Ed.S. (1983)
Western Kentucky University
Major: Counselor Education
Emphasis: Student Personnel Services

M.S. (1981)
University of Tennessee (Knoxville)
Major: Educational Psychology
Minor: Zoology

B.S. (1980)
University of Tennessee (Martin)
Major: Secondary Education: Biological Science

High School Diploma (1976)
Waverly Central High School
Waverly, Tennessee

Former students Carlos Johnson, Angie Fipps and Ed Darnell make a point during a debate
held as part of the Leadership in Student Affairs class.
Photograph by Lori Lynn Satterly

Academic Career

Faculty Award for Research/Creativity
College of Education and Behavioral Sciences
Western Kentucky University, 1997

August 2001 - Present
Department of Counseling and Student Affairs
Western Kentucky University
Bowling Green, KY

August 1996 - August 2001
Associate Professor
Department of Educational Leadership
Western Kentucky University
Bowling Green, KY

August 1991 - August 1996
Assistant Professor
Department of Educational Leadership
Western Kentucky University
Bowling Green, KY

January 1988 - August 1991
Adjunct Professor
Department of Educational Leadership
Western Kentucky University
Bowling Green, KY

Are You Addicted to the Internet?

Courses Taught:

CNS 571: Introduction to Student Affairs
CNS 572: The American College Student
CNS 573: Leadership in Student Affairs
CNS 574: Student Development in Higher Education
CNS 575: Administration of Student Affairs
CNS 576: Technology in Student Affairs
CNS 578: Legal Aspects of Student Affairs
CNS 579: Seminar in Student Affairs
CNS 590: Practicum in Student Affairs
CNS 595: Internship in Student Affairs
EDFN 675: Higher Education in America
CNS 550: Professional Orientation to Counseling
CNS 552: Testing and Assessment in Counseling
CNS 554: Group Counseling
CNS 555: Social and Cultural Diversity in Counseling
CNS 556: Developmental Career Counseling
CNS 558: Counseling Theories
CNS 100: Education and Life Planning

Dr. Aaron W. Hughey and former student Greg Eichler engaged in meaningful dialogue
concerning the future of the Student Affairs profession.
Photograph by Lori Lynn Satterly

Administrative Experience

1/02 - Present
Interim Director
Carroll Knicely Institute for Economic Development
Western Kentucky University
Bowling Green, KY 42101

1/01 - Present
Training Consultant
The Center for Training and Development
Western Kentucky University
Bowling Green, KY 42101

8/88 - 8/91
Associate Director of Housing
Department of University Housing
Western Kentucky University
Bowling Green, KY 42101

9/86 - 8/88
Assistant Director of Housing
Department of University Housing
Western Kentucky University
Bowling Green, KY 42101

"The Chicago Four"

Western Kentucky University Student Affairs Graduate Association members (from left)
Sarah Hovde, Ashley Means, Kimberly Weeks
, and Mike Esposito
at the 1997 ACPA/NASPA joint conference in Chicago, Illinois.

7/84 - 8/86
Residence Hall (Complex) Director
Department of Student Housing Services
Northern Illinois University
DeKalb, IL 60115

8/81 - 6/84
Residence Hall Director
Office of Student Affairs
Western Kentucky University
Bowling Green, KY 42101

5/83 - 8/83
5/82 - 8/82
Housing Staff Member
Department of University Housing
Western Kentucky University
Bowling Green, KY 42101

6/81 - 8/81
Assistant Conference Manager
Department of Student Housing
University of Tennessee
Knoxville, TN 37916

Student Affairs Professionals and Faculty Members:
Why Can't We Just Get Along?

8/80 - 6/81
Assistant Head Resident
Department of Student Housing
University of Tennessee
Knoxville, TN 37916

8/78 - 5/80
Executive Editor
The Pacer
University of Tennessee
Martin, TN 38238

8/79 - 3/80
Reading Lab Supervisor
Department of International Programs
University of Tennessee
Martin, TN 38238

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Then check out the

WKU Career Services Website

The Great Debate

Western's Student Affairs Graduate Association (SAGA) sponsored a debate:
"(Stephen) Covey vs. (Tom) Peters: Who Would Make the Better Vice President for Student Affairs?"
Participants in the debate included (seated, l to r): Kim Mosby, Chris Schmidt, Ed Darnell, and Mike Esposito; (standing, l to r): Bob Reeves, Jana Johnson, Briget Collins, Kim Astar, Carlos Johnson, Angie Fipps, Frank Ross, Stephanie Bogle, Shane Davis, Greg Eichler, Festus Addo- Yobo, and Dr. Aaron W. Hughey (advisor).

Judges for the debate included (not pictured): Dr. Jerry Wilder, Western's Vice President for Student Affairs, Howard Bailey, Western's Dean of Student Life, and Dr. Stephen Schnacke, Head of Educational Leadership at Western.

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Consulting/Corporate Training Activities

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Comments or questions should be directed to Aaron.Hughey@WKU.EDU