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William Shakespeare
Shakespeare is commonly known as the greatest dramatist. His works have been translated into more languages than any book other than the Bible. Some of his works include The Tempest, Julies Caesar, Hamlet, Henry V, A Midsummer's Night Dream, and Romeo and Juliet. My English class is currently reading Julies Caesar. The speech by Mark Antony..."Friends, Romans, and countrymen"...well, we have to memorize it and recite it in class before too long. Wish me luck!
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Personal and school information about me.

I am a blonde haired, blue eyed sophmore. I am 5'8" tall, and I am maintaining a 4.0 average in world history, physical education, advanced biology, keyboarding, advanced English, and Algebra II. I am currently involved in many school activities. If you want to read more about them. In case any of my teachers were to read this, they're all pretty great. I live on a small farm just outside of a small, but growing town. My pets include five horses, three dogs, a cat, a guinea pig and two sisters. Any questions/comments, email me. I love getting mail, and I hope that everyone that looks at this page will send me some! Check out my school's home page; I made it myself! I really did! Go to Enterprise High School.

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Notes to Friends

Kristen: Hey girl! Long time no see! Give me a call sometime...I'm in the book!
Amy: Hey Frenchy! How's vacation treating you?
Jason: You're a real butt sometimes, but...Give me a call, sometime soon! Okey dokey?
Nick: You better not forget about me down in Mobile!!
Anneliese: We haven't really talked in a while have we? Well, on Paddy anyway. I'm trying!
Carin: Boy troubles...they'll all end before too long! ;-)
James: Hey boy! What's up? Long time no see! Email me when you get a chance!
Drew: You're the best! :)
Amber: Someday...we'll go riding again. I promise!
Matt: You best not forget about me in Mobile, either. Don't forget OUR months - ever!

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