A milestone Completed, Celebrating10 years Operation Kersten Storm

DEC 17, 1990 - DEC 17, 2000

The meaning behind Operation Kersten Storm

From a chance encounter, to a driving force, to every passing day the winds of time bring forth another day of glory... January 16, 1991 the world watched as events leading up to this day, unfortunately lead to a world war, the War in the Gulf when it was all over victory had prevailed for the allies and US. I had also claimed a victory... depression, anxiety, and despairity are now non-existent, the emotion of love, an incredible woman, possessing a fiery, energetic, spontaneous personality was the catalyst in this monumental change. This change now replaced any despairities by a driving positive force that lives on...every daily activity from working on school projects to holding a conversation with someone will never be the same.


Declairation Day January 26, 1991

Senior Year Council Rock Spring 1991 1991OKS

Graduation High School June 1O, 1991 1991OKS

The Summer of '91/ Senior Week Wildwood, NJ 1991OKS

The first days of College Aug. 26, 1991 Bucks County Comm. Col. 1991OKS

The new job-UPS Nov 15, 1991 1991OKS

Valentine's Day scripture Feb 13, 1992 1992OKS

Bristol Boro. Firehall Dance Mar 26, 1992 1992OKS

Celebration party ending spr sem 1992 May 1992 1992OKS

Wildwood N.J. superweekend July 1992 1992OKS

N.E. Phila. party Oct 1992 1992OKS

English Comp paper BCCC Dec 13, 1992 1992OKS

"The Lucky Strike" Mar 7, 1993 1993OKS

SuperStorm '93 psychology survey Mar 15-19 1993 1993OKS

The Summer of '93 May 1993 1993OKS

Myrtle Beach S.C. Aug 1-7 1993 1993OKS

"To answer the call" Sept 26, 1993 1993OKS

Business Law test BCCC Nov 9 1993 1993OKS

Fall Semester '93 Nov 1993 1993OKS

Recovery Day Dec 1O, 1993 1993OKS

December 17, party/celebration Dec 17,1993 1993OKS

New Year's Eve '93 Dec 31, 1993 1993OKS

Marketing Interview-Pat Croce Mar. 31 1994 1994OKS

Spring Sem '94 BCCC 1OO+hrs Apr. 1994 1994OKS

Marketing Proj/Paper-w/Colleen May 19, 1994 #1 most intense school proj 1994OKS

Economics class BCCC-Final/Proj May 2O, 1994 1994OKS

Management pos. UPS May 2O, 1994 1994OKS

the "week of opportunity" May 25-30 '94 1994OKS

State College, PA Sept.17-18 1994OKS

Parents anniversary Oct. 11 1994OKS

the "week of festivity" Dec.26-31 '94 1994OKS

Graduation BCCC May 25, 1995 1995OKS

Arts Fest'95 State College,PA July 17 1995OKS

Summer of '95 Aug '95 1995OKS

Temple Univ. Sept. 5, 1995 1995OKS

Irr.Drive '95-UPS Sept. '95 1995OKS

The "StormSurge" Oct. '95 1995OKS

Stat. Final Fall Sem'95 Dec.17, 1995 1995OKS

Pittsburgh, PA-weekend of SuperbowlXXX Jan. 27, 1996 1996OKS

Spring Fling '96 Temple Univ. 1996OKS

Pimlico Raceway-Baltimore May 18, 1996 1996OKS

Sea Isle City, NJ- June 22-29, 1996 1996OKS

Summer of '96- Aug '96 1996OKS

Temple Univ. Fall '96 1996OKS

The 47 days of OKS -Nov 1-Dec.17 1996 1996OKS

1996 year celebration- Dec.31 1996 1996OKS

Spring Break '97-Daytona Beach, FL-Mar 9-16 1997 1997OKS

Spring Semester '97-Temple Univ. May 1997 1997OKS

The Return to Pimlico, Preakness Stakes-May 17 1997 1997OKS

1997:Summer semesters-Temple Univ. 1997OKS

"The OKS Express"-Mid Aug-Mid Sept.
eruuyd Myrtle Beach, SC/College Drive '97 opening week 1997OKS

New York City, NY-North Jersey-Oct 25, 1997 1997OKS

Atlantic City, NJ-Concert event-Nov.29, 1997 1997OKS

Fall semester '97-Temple Univ. Dec 18, 1997 1997OKS

1997 year celebration- Dec 31, 1997 1997OKS

Spring Break'98-Pocono Mts/NE PA Mar 8-14 1998OKS

Preakness III, Baltimore,MD - May 16, 1998 1998OKS

Consecutive work streak: 1,696days-June 10, 1998 1998OKS

N.Jersey - Concert event -June 13, 1998 1998OKS

July 4th events - July 4, 1998 1998OKS

Manhattan,New York City - July 18-19, 1998 1998OKS

Summer of '98 - Sept. 6, 1998 1998OKS

November/December 1998 - Dec. 23, 1998 1998OKS

College Last Day - Dec. 15, 1998 1998OKS

1998 Year ending celebration -Dec. 31,1998 1998OKS

Baltimore,MD/Superbowl weekend - Jan 30-31, 1999 1999OKS

Graduation-Temple University-Degree - Feb 5,1999 1999OKS

Atlanta,GA/Daytona Beach,FL trip-Mar 6-20,1999 1999OKS

The Summer of 1999 - Sept 6, 1999 1999OKS

Millennium Celebration - Dec 31, 1999 1999OKS

1990's Decade Observance - Dec. 1999 1999OKS

OKS2000 "NEW DECADE BEGINS" - Jan 1,2000

Niagara Falls/Buffalo NY - Canada - Jan 15,2000 OKS2000

Career venture/FT employment/econ.expansion - Apr.26,2000

Miami,FL - May 22-26, 2000

Webcraft/Vertis-Employment-Office/Adminst.-May 30,2000 OKS2000

Summer 2001 - Aug 2001 2001OKS

OKS: 7th year perfect attendance(work) - Feb 13,2002


OKS solo run: Las Vegas,NV Dec20-22, 2002 2002OKS

Columbus/Cleveland,OH-April 18-20, 2003 2003OKS

OKS:Entertain bus. May 2003 2003OKS

September 2003 social scene-Sept 19-22 2003OKS

S.Florida Return solo scene Ft.Lauderdale/Miami 2003OKS

OKS: Miracle Mortgage Rate-obtained:Oct13,2003 2003OKS

New Years Eve-2003/December2003:social scene-Dec.31 2003OKS

Home Purchase-"end of savings.."- June 2,2004 2004OKS

OKS RELOCATION:Lansdale,PA-July 23,2004 2004OKS

PERFECT WORK ATTENDENCE(year'04)-December29,2004 2004OKS



OKS:HIGHEST WORK HOURS - 75.6/wk-Jan6,2006 2006OKS

Montreal,Canada-Int'l-1sttime-Feb04-05 2006OKS

OKS:MidWest-MINNEAPOLIS,MN-Feb 06,2006-Apr28 2006OKS

OKS:Social turnaround night-Minneapolis,MN-April27,2006 2006OKS

OKS:PreaknessVIII-Baltimore,MD-May20,2006 2006OKS

OKS:JobAcquisition-2.5month differential-MERCK,INC/Pharmacuetical Industry-July17,2006-2006OKS

OKS:Airport "Raindelay" then: Nashville,TN-Sep1-4,2006 2006OKS

OKS:28,970 travel miles-Jan-Dec,2006 2006OKS

OKS:2006Socialyear,timing,options,ect 2006OKS

OKS:Overall "Balance in Life" 365days-Jan-Dec,2006 2006OKS

OKS:Raleigh,NC/"Research Triangle"-SoloTrip-Jul13-Jul15, 2007-2007OKS

Now the Present