Welcome to my House!

Welcome to the historic Fingeroot home page - created in 1997. This is the same page it has been for the last 7 years! Enjoy, Bryan.......

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I hope you enjoy your stay here, I have lots of stuff you can enjoy. Check out my Top Ten page, which ranks movies, games, sounds and TV shows, you can download some of the best games on the internet. If you have your own homepage, you can apply for my award, which is Fingeroot's Flying Color's Award, for excellence on the Web. If you are one of my friends, check out my friends homepage, which has all of our e-mail addresses and such. If you don't know Tony Briggs, go read about him, he's a legend!! My Hall of Fame/Shame page, is where I rank some stuff that I like and don't, you can e-mail me with your opinion too, if you want. You could check out my dedication to the men of Buzz Kill page, who's show is soon to go off the air. Last but not least you can check out my Awards page, to see all the cool awards I have won for my site, there are currently around 7.

This is the hottest homepage around, straight out of Michigan State University! This page is always being updated, so come back often!!

My hobbies include: Surfing the web, Any Sport! Video Games, The College Party Thing and having a good ole' time! I hope you enjoy your stay here, and be sure to bookmark it, it will keep getting better and better!

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