welcome to kevin's class of '97 rota page
this page will soon serve as a compilation of email addresses and information on dgf's graduating class of 1997! this page is under construction until i return to college in august, but then i'll hook it up. for any members out there, please send me email addresses or points of contact for as many graduates as you have kept in touch with. please send to oneil@u.arizona.edu ...as president of the graduating class i'd like to dedicate this page to the hopes, dreams, and futures of the rota, spain, class of 1997...rota rota rota!
and for anyone else out there, from any class, sign yourself up to the rota admirals association for past students:
To have a copy of their Email Directory forwarded to you, send an email to scostley@ix.netcom.com and put the words ROTA EMAIL DIRECTORY in the subject line.
or visit their web site at: http://www.infinet.com/~arr/raa
you could also visit the dgf homepage: http://www.omeganet.es/dgfhs/