This page is dedicated to Katie
my girlfriend at the University of
Arizona. She is one silly
monkey (above) and comes from Northridge, CA. I met her
in the apartment complex we both live in - Casa
Royale with cheese. Which most of the time is Casa Weird.
I wish it were possible to show just how cRaZy
I am about her on my webpage, but I just don't think I can. I am absolutely nuts about her!
She has 3 pet frogs and a couple illegal turtles, and of course ME! She is also taking
care of my pet beta fish, TRIP, who lives tranquilly
among her frogs
in her fish tank. Katie is a Speech
and Hearing Major at the U of A and
got a 4.0 last
semester in LovingKevin 101.
I can't write anything else before I start going off on tangents that I shouldn't
include on this public page! She's my L.A.
Woman! Katie, I love
(times infinity :) )