Catherine's Biochemistry Stuff

Not only was biochemistry my Honours B.Sc. Major, it is also a topic that I have a passion for. I'm naturally curious, and this field is just opening up, so there's lots left to discover.

While at Mt. A., I spent my time studying the effects of UV light stress on cultures of cyanobacteria (which my mom affectionately refers to as "pond scum") grown under iron limitation (a condition often occuring in the natural habitat). The project was a lot of work, but a lot of fun too. Enough fun to sign up for another four years of post-secondary education, this time studying cold stress in crop plants at Umea University in Sweden and UQAM in Montreal, Canada. But since you're probably not here to listen to me ramble about my findings, I'll just round up this section by including some handy biochem links that I frequent, and I'll elaborate more as time permits


Biochem Pathways Online




Discover Magazine


Pedro's internet research tools

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