"Out of the darkness, like a ghostly apparition, the bow of the ship appears. It's knife-edge prow is coming straight at us seeming to plow the bottom sediment like ocean waves. It towers above the seafloor, standing just as it landed eighty-four years ago." [-From the Screenplay]

"One thing that's very imprtant to me in life is, through having a relationship with somebody and loving that person and being allowed to feel the whole emotion of love, despite all of the risks, you can find out who you are." observes Winslet "And when Rose meets Jack she cuts through all of the class and money nonsense and connects with something real and alive and passionate in his soul. And when I read the script I was in floods of tears, because it takes you to the point where you would do anything absolutely anything to stop that ship from sinking"

Michelle Loftis's Titanic Page!!

I have been to see Titanic a total of 3 times now. I have loved it everytime.

Titanic is the Winner of 11 Academy Awards!
Best Costume Design
Best Sound
Best Sound Effects
Best Visual Effects
Best Dramatic Score
Best Film Editing
Best Song "My Heart Will Go On"
Best Art Design
Best Cinematography
Best Director
Best Picture
Titanic also won 4 Golden Globes!
Best Original Score
Best Song "My Heart Will Go On"
Best Director
Best Picture
Titanic's History

White Star Line's Passenger List

Rose's Drawing

Audio Clips from "Titanic"

Lyrics "My Heart Will Go On"

Times Newspaper April 16, 1912

Cast and Credits

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