Welcome. Please enjoy these bits of information about me, and check back for upgrades.
Here's a .txt file of my resume. (It's the fastest and easiest to view.)
Email me for a list of my references
If you have any questions, or if you feel compelled to offer me inordinate amounts of money, feel free to email me at jesscmess@hotmail.com
I believe in technical writing, screenwriting, creativity and precision.
Here's a picture of me with my wife, Meg, on an airboat tour through the swamps of Florida. ROMANTIC!!
One sweet day... At our wedding! (Oct. 20, 2007):
Here's a CD cover I designed for my friend's (now extinct) band...PiNCH the TOMMiES!!
Here's the back cover, complete with track listings.
A picture of myself and my friends in line for tickets to The Phantom Menace, including a close-up. The pic of us was on the front page of the Wausau Daily Herald. (Is that my 15 minutes??)