Jesse C. Messerschmidt

Welcome.  Please enjoy these bits of information about me, and check back for upgrades.

For suggestions on additions, corrections, (or even deletions),
eMail me  

My Resume

Here's a .txt file of my resume. (It's the fastest and easiest to view.)
Email me for a list of my references

If you have any questions, or if you feel compelled to offer me inordinate amounts of money, feel free to email me at
I believe in technical writing, screenwriting, creativity and precision.

Misc... {; )

Here's a picture of me with my wife, Meg, on an airboat tour through the swamps of Florida. ROMANTIC!!


One sweet day... At our wedding! (Oct. 20, 2007):

Here's a CD cover I designed for my friend's (now extinct) band...PiNCH the TOMMiES!!

Here's the back cover, complete with track listings.

A picture of myself and my friends in line for tickets to The Phantom Menace, including a close-up. The pic of us was on the front page of the Wausau Daily Herald. (Is that my 15 minutes??)

(This number mostly consists of my own visits to this page to see how many people have visited my page)