Here's the deal: There will be options at the bottom of each page that will let you see the next picture in the trip, the previous picture, or allow you to break out of the loop.

This is a virtual trip to Wisconsin to run in the NAIA National Cross Country race. I actually got to run in it in the Fall of 1997. The purpose of the following pages are to let you share in the experience.
Three of us set out that Mid-November day. There was Coach, Justin, and Myself. We drove from East Texas to Southern Wisconsin in 5 passenger car. I don't have any pictures of the trip up, but that's okay, nothing much happened. It was just a long road trip. By this first picture, we have been on the road two days.

Here we are at our hotel in Kenosha. As you can see Lake Michigan is right in our back yard. Seeing a lake that huge was a new experience for me. Pretty cool! I am on the left, Justin on the right.

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