Everything you never wanted to know about Catherine Dutton

My Biography!!!!

Smile! Cheesy Picture! Only five years ago- but I haven't changed THAT much!

Name: Catherine Lois Dutton
Age: 26 (as of October 16, 2002)
Grew up: Dallas, Texas
What I do on a daily basis:teach family & consumer sciences at Thomas Jefferson High School in Dallas, TX
Favorite color: yellow and purple
Favorite movies: The Princess Bride
Favorite music: 80's rock & a little bit of everything else
Church: I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I teach Relief Society and I'm the family history specialist
Family Info: I am the oldest of five children - 4 girls, 1 boy. My sister is my current roommate in a cute loft apartment
Favorite Animal:kangaroos
Education:BA in Family & Consumer Sciences, currently applying to grad school
Languages: Fluent in French & English- I lived in Switzerland for 18 months
What I do in my spare time: what spare time? I love quilting, watching movies and my job.

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