Believe it or not, this homepage is not the only thing I've ever written. Click below to see other literary masterpieces written by yours truly:
The Battle for Supremacy
What really happens when there is a race war? And are we living in one as we speak? Here's my take on the situation, told in my best allegorical style....
I Am A Slave
I think the title speaks for itself...but who has enslaved me?
Kankelon Braids and Chocolate Milk
Have you ever wondered what exactly was the "African American Experience"? Serike finds out that defining racial boundaries isn't easy....
Is it right to judge someone because they're different?
Strange Land
(Scripture Basis: Psalm 137) When the people of Jerusalem are taken away from their city in chains, they protest in the only way they can...
Second Coming
Do you believe that Jesus Christ is returning for his church? Taken directly from a dream I once had (eons ago), this is the "sci-fi" version of the Second Coming of Christ...
Born To Die
Have you ever thought about what Mary must have gone through? To know that your son is the Messiah, but also to know that one day he would be taken from you.....
Pray Until Something Happens
Ever felt a need to repent? Ever feel like you just weren't getting through to God? Sometimes, all we need to do is PUSH.
More to come, just stay tuned!!!