A Plethora of Wacky Imagery

From the 1997-98 Carleton Ravens fencing season:
[Photo] That's me on the right, missing the target by a long shot.
[Photo] Taken later in the year. Looking nicer, but still fencing badly. :^)
Various Ottawan images:
[Photo] Me sitting on a fountain by the Museum of Civilization, August 1997.
[Photo] The Peace Tower, Parliament Hill, July 1998.
[Photo] Ladies and gentlemen, Canadian Cash! With special guest Moogie!
Haligonian scenery, August/September 1998:
[Photo] A cool shot of the Halifax skyline.
[Photo] Another nice pic.
[Photo] I don't even remember what these pictures are exactly of.
[Photo] But they have something to do with Halifax scenery. Ah well.
Homeward bound! Arriving in Manitoba, May 1999:
[Photo] Ryan with the Pikachu I bought for him. Note the grin.
[Photo] Standing somewhere in Brunkild, which is between Winnipeg and Carman.
New! (February 14, 2000) As of late - Newly declassified photographs*:
[Photo] Being an "asshole"...with a smile. Shuffling cards at an Xmas party, 1999.
[Photo] Another shot from the "asshole" sessions, December 1999.
[Photo] Family and relatives in a fun and crazy reunion, August 1999.
[Photo] From the hellish days in Carleton rez...surprise visitors...circa 1998.

* Note: some of these pictures are freakin' huge! As in 30-40 Kb large!

These are especially for Ty, to whom I once promised Prom pictures of me and Bren.

Prom pic 1 - 'das me!
Prom pic 2 - the "official" Prom shot - "Yeah, we're normal...."

If you would like more photos to see (why you would is beyond my comprehension), you can check out my multimedia artifacts page. Otherwise, you can go back to the main media page.

You've seen too many flashing lights since August 28, 1999.

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Updated on February 14, 2000.
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