Super-Pikachu's PokéPage!!!

(Just kidding! It's a guestbook.)

To whom it may concern: You are charged with the duty of saving humanity. Your mission is to fill out this guestbook successfully. You see, this is no ordinary guestbook; it contains a hidden bomb. Failing to fill out this guestbook could result in the bomb's release of billions of killer sea monkeys. And you wouldn't want that, would you? Good luck.
And for all you insecure superheros out there - no, your entry won't be posted on the Web for everyone to see. I get 'em myself. Now get to work!
If you're building giant commercial edifices with imaginary writer's blocks, here's a sample entry from a friend's guestbook.

Part A: Who are you?

Enter your full name:   (Do not hit return!)

What archaeological era do you come from?

D'oh! I admit it! I never studied biology!
I'm a figment of your imagination, so this question doesn't apply to me, idiot

Seriously, how old are you?   

Where in the world are you from?   

Enter your e-mail address:   

Enter URL of your web site:   

Sex?  MaleFemaleNo, but thanks

Complete this sentence (select all that apply): "I am known to thee as a..."
harmless passerby from the 'net
harmful passerby from the 'net
fencer! 'Nuff said.
procrastinator, here to waste time
university student (see above)
Dal philosophy major (again, see above)
friend of the author
friend of the author (wink, wink, nudge, nudge, say no more!)
something else altogether*

* Okay, something else altogether, who or what the hell are you?  

Part B: What do you know?

Where is the Holy Grail?  

What colour is Napoleon's white horse?  

Part C: What about this site?

How did you wind up here?

** What's the URL of that "someone else's site" that led you here? (if applicable)

What do you think of this site overall?

What part of it do you like the most?

You have thirty seconds remaining in this mission. Please enter any last thoughts here. And don't forget to put up your wager, since this is also your question for Final Jeopardy!

Updated on January 16, 2000.

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