first of homage to the sexiest, sweetest, the most
gorgeous lady in the world...She is indeed a goddess! Girlfriend!!!
(soon you'll be able to visit her brand new homepage and enjoy looking at
her pictures...but remember: She's MINE!)
so you dared, huh?...ok. That's good!'re brave then...What kinda
adventures will you face? Why am I here? Hey, Who said CollegePark was
a boring place to be in?...I'll show you there's plenty of adventures
in the campus...there's mistery...there are intense emotions and definitely
things are not what they seem...ohh, the Campus!
This is just the beginning of course, but take a bite of what you'll see...check
out these......really HOT links...
Links to other sites on the Web
Hey...I'm inviting you to visit my Alma Mater, c'mon in!
We talked about Medicine, didn't we?
Addicted to Alicia Silverstone?...check it out...(and it's a Geocities place)
Broken link to be fixed soon =)
Broken link to be fixed soon =)
Are things as they seem?...Paranoia and Surrealism...check it out!
You gotta remember this page is under construction (I've just moved in) so...there's too much coming...anyhow...I'd appreciate your comments brothers and sisters!!!...Really hope you've enjoyed your (now)li'l trip wish to see ya soon!!!
© 2005 >