LPC - Our History

Organization Lazy People Company
Also Known As LPC
Established Since 1995
University National University of Malaysia
Country of Origin Malaysia
Members 14 Only
Ideology Work Smart, Play Hard

Who Are We ?

Lazy People Company® or LPC® was formally established in the year 1995 by a group of students from the National University of Malaysia.
LPC® is a non-profit (NPO) and non-government (NGO) organization. Members consist of undergraduates majoring in various fields, came from different places of origin and posess different lifestyles but bearing the same ideology, we established the Lazy People Company®.
Trust us ! College life is boring, especially when you are far away from home. If you feel that you need someone to stick together with through the thick and thin of college life, LPC® is the one to approach.
We do quite a number of things together. We study together, we have our meals together, we party together,we go places together, we .... together, we .... together ... The important thing is that we do everything together (OK ! OK ! Except sleep, OK ?).
By doing things together the members can lead a very social life and learn all sorts of things which you couldn't learn if you're alone.


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Copyright© 1993- 1997, Lazy People Company®, Bandar Baru Bangi,Selangor, MY.
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Last Updated : 14 January 1997