Aliens and Serial Killers:
Bailiwick of Crime:
British Killers:
Bulldogg 44's Serial Killer Page:
Death, Destruction, and Mayhem:
Genesis of a Serial Killer:
Index of Serial Killers:
Internet Crime Archives:
Killer Parade:
Killers and Cannibals:
Madmen, Psychos and Serial Killers:
Modern Day Serial Killers
Serial Killers
Serial Killer Hit List
Serial Killer Homepage:
Serial Killer Index:
Serial Killer Page:
Serial Killer Websites:
Serial Killers:
Serial Killers:
Serial Killers
Serial Killers:
Serial Killers, Inc.:
Serial Killers and Murderers:
Serial Killers Page:
Serial Killers vs Mass Murderers:
The Sexual Homicide Exchange - Washington D.C.
The World Wide Serial Killer Homepage
Dahmer, Jeffrey
Dahmer Quote and Polaroids
Jeffrey Dahmer: Another Gouhl From Wisconsin
Jeffrey Dahmer: Confessions of a Homosexual Cannibal
Nothing Left to Hide
Gacy, John Wayne
Chasing Gacy
John Wayne Gacy
Jack the Ripper
Casebook: Jack the Ripper
From Hell
Jack The Ripper - The Whitechapel Murders
Jack the Ripper As the Threat of Outcast London
Jack the Ripper's Modern London
Who Is Jack the Ripper?
Manson, Charles
Access Manson
Forensic Science and the Charles Manson Murders
Leslie Van Houten and Susan Atkins
Manson-Beatles Link
Musical Career
The Zodiac Killer
Headman's Be True To Your Crime Page, The
Signs of the Zodiac
The Zodiac
Zodiac Murderer Look-alike Profiled
Speck, Richard
Richard Speck
Gaskins, Donald
Donald Gaskins
Gein, Edward
Edward Gein
Evans, Donald Leroy
Evans, Donald Leroy
Those books highlighted can be ordered from Barnes and Noble, Book Stacks , or Amazon Books -- many times there will be more information about the book than provided here.
Mass Murderers Time Life Books -- profiles Richard Speck, Charles Whitmas, Mark Essex, James Huberty, Marc Lepine, and Michael Ryan
Serial Killers Time Life Books -- Profiles Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacy, Dennis Nilsen, and David Berkowitz
Crime Classification Manuel John Douglas, Ann Burgess, Allen Burgess, and Robert Ressler
Serial Killers: The Insatiable Passion David Lester, PhD -- Picture at top is the cover of this book.
Mindhunter John Douglas and Mark Olshaker-- a must for beginning profilers
Journey into Darkness John Douglas and Mark Olshaker -- follow-up to Mindhunter
Obsession: The Fbi's Legendary Profiler Probes the Psyches of Killers, Rapists, and Stalkers and Their Victims and Tells How to Fight Back John E. Douglas, Mark Olshaker
A to Z Encyclopedia of Serial Killers Harold Scachter and David Everett
Without Conscience Robert Hare, PhD -- takes a deep look into the psychopath
KillersJoel Norris, PhD -- deals more with the biological explanations for serial killers
Stranger Beside Me Ann Rule - Rule was a friend of Ted Bundy's who knew him even before the notorious "Ted" murders in Seattle; takes an in-depth look into the person Ann knew and the serial killer that came to light
The Riverman Bob Keppel, PhD -- a good follow-up to Stranger Beside Me, Keppel was an investigator in the "Ted" murders and later helped with the "Green River Killer task force"; Bundy and Keppel profile the Green River Killer, still not caught, and Bundy goes deeper into his own motivation for killing
Killers Among Us Two Volumes, Colin and Damon Wilson -- Vol 1 - Motives Behind their Madness; Vol 2 - Sex, Madness and Mass Murder
Search for the Green River Killer Carlton Smith and Thomas Guillen - good overall account of the search for an unknown serial killer
Written in Blood III: The Criminal Mind and Method Colin Wilson
Overkill James Alan Cox and Jack Levin
Encyclopedia of Serial Killers Brian Lane and Wilfred Gregg
Whoever Fights Monsters Robert Ressler -- another must for those interested in profiling
I Have Lived in the Monster : Inside the Minds of the World's Most Notorious Serial Killers Robert K. Ressler, Tom Shachtman
Encyclopedia of Serial Killers Nigel Blundell
Cat and Mouse: Mind Games with a Serial Killer Brian Lane
Destined for Murder: Profiles of Six Serial Killers with Astrological Commentary Sandra Harrisson
Catching Serial Killers: Learning from past Serial Murder Investigations Earl Wallace Krueger. James,Virginia Mcphail (Editor),Lisa Waddell (Editor)
Deadlier than the Male: Stories of Female Serial Killers Terry Manners
Killers among Us: Examination of Serial Murder & Its InvestigationSteven A. Egger
Serial Killers B. D. Wallace,M. J. Philippus
The A-Z Encyclopedia of Serial Killers Harold Schechter, David Everitt
Deadly Thrills : True Story of Chicago's Most Shocking Killers (Onyx True Crime, Je625) Jaye Slade Fletcher
Destined for Murder : Profiles of Six Serial Killers With Astrological Commentary Sandra Harrisson Young, Edna Rowland
Killers Among Us : An Examination of Serial Murder and Its Investigation Steven A. Egger
Serial Killers (True Crime, No 1)
Serial Killers : Death and Life in America's Wound Culture Mark Seltzer
Serial Killers : The Insatiable Passion David Lester
Bloodguilty Raymond Thor, Anette B. Treihaft
Catching Serial Killers : Learning from Past Serial Murder Investigations Earl James
Deadlier Than the Male : Stories of Female Serial Killers Terry Manners
Encyclopedia of Serial Killers Nigel Blundell
Serial Killers
Serial Killers & Mass Murderers (True Crime, Vol 2) Vol 2 Valarie Jones, et al
Compulsive Killers
Compulsive Killers : The Story of Modern Multiple Murder Elliott Leyton
Encyclopedia of Serial Killers Brian Lane, Wilfred Gregg
Hunting Humans: The Encyclopedia of Serial Killers Vol 1 Michael Newton
Hunting Humans: The Encyclopedia of Serial Killers Vol 2 Michael Newton
Serial Killers : A Study in the Psychology of Violence Colin Wilson, Donald Seaman
Serial Killers: The Growing Menace Joel Norris
Serial killers and child abductions : hearing before the Subcommittee on Crime of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, One Hundred Fourth Congress, first session, September 14, 1995
Serial Killers and Murderers Helen Morrison
Serial Thrill Killers Clifford Linedecker
Killers : True Portrayals of America's Most Vicious Murderers Clifford L. Linedecker
What Motivates Serial Killers (Opposing Viewpoints Pamphlets)
Sexual Homicide Robert Ressler, John Douglas, et al
Sex Crimes Ronald Holmes
Profiling Violent Crimes: An Investigative Tool Ronald Holmes