Links Specific Killers Books


Aliens and Serial Killers:
Bailiwick of Crime:
British Killers:
Bulldogg 44's Serial Killer Page:
Death, Destruction, and Mayhem:
Genesis of a Serial Killer:
Index of Serial Killers:
Internet Crime Archives:
Killer Parade:
Killers and Cannibals:
Madmen, Psychos and Serial Killers:
Modern Day Serial Killers
Serial Killers
Serial Killer Hit List
Serial Killer Homepage:
Serial Killer Index:
Serial Killer Page:
Serial Killer Websites:
Serial Killers:
Serial Killers:
Serial Killers
Serial Killers:
Serial Killers, Inc.:
Serial Killers and Murderers:
Serial Killers Page:
Serial Killers vs Mass Murderers:
The Sexual Homicide Exchange - Washington D.C.
The World Wide Serial Killer Homepage


Dahmer, Jeffrey

Dahmer Quote and Polaroids
Jeffrey Dahmer: Another Gouhl From Wisconsin
Jeffrey Dahmer: Confessions of a Homosexual Cannibal
Nothing Left to Hide

Gacy, John Wayne

Chasing Gacy
John Wayne Gacy

Jack the Ripper

Casebook: Jack the Ripper
From Hell
Jack The Ripper - The Whitechapel Murders
Jack the Ripper As the Threat of Outcast London
Jack the Ripper's Modern London
Who Is Jack the Ripper?

Manson, Charles

Access Manson
Forensic Science and the Charles Manson Murders
Leslie Van Houten and Susan Atkins
Manson-Beatles Link
Musical Career

The Zodiac Killer

Headman's Be True To Your Crime Page, The
Signs of the Zodiac
The Zodiac
Zodiac Murderer Look-alike Profiled

Speck, Richard

Richard Speck

Gaskins, Donald

Donald Gaskins

Gein, Edward

Edward Gein

Evans, Donald Leroy

Evans, Donald Leroy


Those books highlighted can be ordered from Barnes and Noble, Book Stacks , or Amazon Books -- many times there will be more information about the book than provided here.