Related Papers
Criminal Justice Papers
Attacks On The Insanity Defense
-A critical examination of the usefulness
of the insanity defense in law.
The Changing Face of Russia - Crime and Corruption in the Post-Soviet Era
-A comparative analysis of Russian law and society
since the break-up of the U.S.S.R.
The Era of Community Policing - Where Are We Now?
-A look at the evolution of community policing and current trends.
Social Psychology Papers
Safety Behaviors and Level of Concern
-My senior research project. Analysis of Bem's Self-Perception Theory as it relates to safety behaviors exhibited by women on a college campus and their respective levels of concern of being assaulted.
Psychology Papers
The Totalogy of Influence on the Developing Mind - A Multi-structured Analysis of Aggression
-A look at the nature of aggression and personality development which attempts to incorporate internal and external factors. It is a "research paper" w/o a results section (The study has yet to be conducted). But I included the paper here because I think it is still a fairly good source of information.
Dissociative Disorders - Dissociative Amnesia
-A look at the disorder Dissociative Amnesia. A topic I became interested in while researching trials involving the insanity defense where the argument was that the defendant had no recollection of the events of the crime.
Criminal Profiling Papers
Inductive Profiling
-A brief look at inductive profiling and some of the theories/typologies generated

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