Baudy Language

Baudy Langage
A collection of the frequently use short-forms and symblo. The follwoing short-forms and symblos are some of the Baudy Language. Rotate your head (impossible!?) to the left 90 degree to view the symblos. Normally, the nose is excluded (why? maybe urgly!). Usually, these symblos are used to avoid some misunderstanding from the receivers.

:)	smile		!	I want to suggest
;)	blink		?	I got a doubt
:D	laugh		afk	away from keyboard
:>	grin		asap	as soon as possible
:(	sad		bak	back to keyboard
:`(	cry		btw 	by the way
:|	silent		byob	mind your own business
:O	oh!		Cul	see you later
:X	keep a secret	fyi	follow your instruction
O:)	Angel		ga	go ahead
}:>	Devil		imo 	in my opinion
*	kiss		oic 	oh, I see
--{@	a Rose		ttfn 	goodbye