Personal Profile

Name: Ebony Elizabeth Thomas
Date of Birth: August 11, 1977
Hometown: Detroit, MI
Recent Graduate of: Florida A&M University
(1997-1998 Time Magazine/Princeton Review College of the Year!)
Date of Graduation: Friday, August 6, 1999
Major: English Education
Minor: inclusive in major
Current Position: English/Language Arts and Theatre Arts Instructor, grades 5-8
Career Plans (eventual): Novelist, Syndicated Columnist and Devotional Writer
Personal Interests: Christianity, Literature and History, Fine Arts, the World Wide Web and Children’s Issues

Notable Awards and Achievements

National Achievement Scholar (one of the 57 in 1995 that beat Harvard!)
Distinguished Scholars Award Recipient
Florida A&M University Freshman Honor Award
Spirit of Detroit Award (1993 and 1995)
***The Spirit of Detroit Award is awarded by the City Council and is the highest honor that a resident or distinguished guest of the city of Detroit can receive.
Detroit Public Schools Academic Excellence Award
***This is awarded annually to the top 5% of high school seniors graduating from the Detroit Public Schools.
Advanced Placement Credit in English, Calculus, Economics, and American History (19 hours of college credit)
Miss Metropolitan Baptist Church
Girl Scout Silver Award

Literary Awards and Achievements

Metro Times Summer Fiction Contest Winner
WJBK-TV 2 Editorial Writing Contest - First Place
100 Black Men of Greater Detroit Oratorical Contest - Runner-Up
Silence the Violence Oratorical Contest - Second Place
NAACP Freedom Fund Dinner High School Essay Contest - First Place
Area C/Detroit Public Schools Outstanding Achievement in Creative Writing
Detroit Free Press Writing Awards - Honorable Mention, Poetry
Publication in Revolutionary Roses (a literary journal sponsored by the Beta Alpha Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.), and the Student Leadership Journal (published by InterVarsity Christian Fellowship)

Also of Note…

As of January 1997, completed first two novels in a planned series, Count It All Joy and The Greatest of These. Currently revising and seeking publication.

Founded and served as executive director of The Children’s Cultural Connection, Inc. from 1993-1995. During this time, over 200 children attended Connection programs and the organization was awarded a $5,000 mini-grant from the New Detroit/Skillman Foundation.

Edited a weekly inspirational e-newsletter, Thank God It’s Monday!, from January 1997 to December 1998.

Activities at FAMU

(Senior Year)
Golden Key National Honor Society
Staff Writer, Opinions, FAMUAN (campus newspaper)
Volunteer Counselor, A Women’s Pregnancy Center
Founder and Chairperson, The Writer’s Guild
Council Member, Baptist Student Union
Women of Virtue
University Ministries COGIC (Outreach Team)

(Junior Year)
Volunteer Intern, Youth Services, Leon County Public Library
Vice-President, English Literary Guild
Council Member, Baptist Student Union
Founder and Chairperson, The Christian Writer’s Guild
Winner, Metro Times Summer Fiction Contest
Columnist, Thank God It’s Monday!, World Wide Web
Florida Future Educators of America
Women of Virtue
Michigan Club
University Ministries COGIC

(Sophomore Year)
Assistant Stage Manager, Why The Chimes Rang (Essential Theatre)
Columnist, "Are You Saved?", FAMUnity magazine, Baptist Student Union
English Literary Guild
Baptist Student Union
Women of Virtue
University Ministries COGIC (Collegiate Choir, Outreach Team)

Freshman Year
Chief of Staff, Freshman Class Cabinet
Work-Study, Office of Presidential Scholars Program
Volunteer, Waiters-Murray SGA Campaign
Michigan Club
University Ministries COGIC (Collegiate Choir)

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