The Gallery

…My tongue is the pen of a ready writer." (Psalm 45:1)
"The Lord gave the word; great was the company of those that published it."
(Psalm 68:11)

NOTICE: All of the following works are the property of Ebony Elizabeth Thomas, and may not be copied in whole or in part without 1)written permission, or 2)citing the author’s full name and the URL

Count It All Joy (Novel Excerpts)

The Greatest of These (Novel Excerpts)

In Due Season (Novel Excerpt)

Radiance (Short Story)

Winner of the 1997 Metro Times Summer Fiction Contest

Poetry Archive

Coming Soon... Why I Am Not A Muslim

Thank God It’s Monday!

She is the one with the glasses on
Stealing a few moments to write,
A poem runs across the page and
snap! disappears into the sink.
She tries to catch one
In vain. Suddenly, a verse or two
plop! lands in her lap.
Here comes two, then another
And then a dozen or more
And quick and fast! they are falling at last
Like rain onto the floor.
The torrent has stopped. She tries to piece
Lines of poetry fallen all over the place.
Finally the montage is complete!
Finished! Done! Through! Ended!
Oh happy day! Hip, hip, HOORAY!
A literary masterpiece is written!
(It is a shame that it is only a useless mosaic
Of jumbled nonsensical teenage thought.) (EET, 1993)


Prayer and Suggestions Welcomed