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Here you can read the comments that others have made about our site!
Iain Sanderson - 05/23/00 09:55:53
My Email:iainsand@quista.net

you must have alot of spare time

Graham Kerr - 03/01/00 12:34:23
My URL:/RainForest/Vines/2185/
My Email:kerrazoo@aol.com
Favourite Movie: Hmm not sure

Hey ho, I thought I'd give you're page a wee squiz to see how you are doing and all that. I hope you have a good day and that things go swimmingly.

Peter Berks - 09/30/99 10:54:00
My Email:peter.berks@strath.ac.uk

I like the web page excellent design. Impressive

Brian Young - 09/28/99 15:34:21
My Email:youngbe@dcs.gla.ac.uk
Favourite Movie: 10 things I hate about you - okay I confess sarcassm is the lowest form of wit

I was wondering what should be done with the former CU:SEF homepage - see that you beat me to it - by several months. See you about.

Edward Farrow - 08/12/99 22:37:04
My URL:http://www.electronics75.freeserve.co.uk
My Email:edward .farrow@electronics75.freeserve.co.uk
Favourite Movie: The Muppets

Hello all, remember to visit my website, Goodbye.

Rebecca Farrow - 08/12/99 22:31:56
My Email:edward.farrow@electronics75.freeserve.co.uk
Favourite Movie: The Sound of Music

Heh there, how are you all doing? Nice website!

Isobel Berks - 07/05/99 09:45:30
Favourite Movie: Sleepless in Seattle

Just popped in to say "Hello!"

Fiona Macleod - 06/16/99 22:17:31
My Email:macleod_fiona35@hotmail.com
Favourite Movie: The Shawshank Redemption

Cool Page! I'll be sure to make regular visits. Love F. x

Graeme Boyd - 05/24/99 21:36:26
My URL:http://www.5rogerhill.freeserve.co.uk
My Email:gboyd@5rogerhill.freeserve.co.uk
Favourite Movie: Too many to name

Brill web page, and can't wait for more info.

Frank C Boyle - 05/18/99 09:31:37
Favourite Movie: Jerry MacGuire

Just seeing if this works.

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