Well some info on me - just in case you great people are wondering, I am from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and I just graduated from Haworth College of Business, Western Michigan University, U.S.A. Yep that's rite all the way here. My major is in Computer Information Systems (C.I.S). I will be heading back to work for PETRONAS, Malaysia's National oil company.
Umm.. time to tell ya people about the most important part of my life.. no no not a gf, my car!!!! Well I own a black 1992 FORD PROBE GT TURBO, although I'm more into Japanese Cars .
Links to other sites on the Web
Microsoft slaves - GO HERE!
CHECK THIS OUT !! - Free Best Downloads from the NET !
News from back home !
I'm a PC Gamer !! Check this out if you are one of me!
I'm in love with my Yahama Classical Guitar - I get all the chords and tabs from here!!
It's good to know what's happening in the world today
Come look at my kewl school ! WESTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY !
These are WebPages of my super kewl buddies
My Ridiculously Cool Good Buddy - Woon Hong
My roomate's new HomePage.. NORMAN!.. still under construction
This is Kevin's hideout!..... still under construction
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Any comments or suggestions? E-mail me!! Thanks for dropping in people.. see ya!
© 1998 francislee88@hotmail.com
Last updated : Dec 97