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Anissa's--very much under construction--Homepage

This page was last on 05/20/98
Oye, brother!Que pasa?Hey everyone! I'm really trying to spruce up my homepage right now so little by little, you'll be seeing some changes here and there. In the beginning, this guy named Quentin Liedtke helped me out but now, I'm handling this baby on my own...(that's probably why it kinda isn't that great). So give me a break, eh?

When I first started this page, I had nothing on it. Just a few stupid words here and there and no picture of little ol' me I know that many of you may want to email me because my page kinda isn't that great and that's okay. This is America, isn't it? You all have the right to freedom of speech. But you better not get too free with me, ya know what I mean? I attend University of South Florida. My major is Music Education but that's only because there is no money for theatre majors unless you are someone like Juliette Lewis or George Clooney. By majoring in Theatre, I may as well be majoring to be a waitress!!

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To take a glimpse into my world, just click here (that's where the pics of me and my friends are!)

Surfing the net has helped me find the right links that I wanted to put on my page. To see what these links are that I have searched and searced for, just click on the highlighted word--links

To make me happy, I know that you are going to take my survey....please? For little ol' me?

You are the person to grace this page with your presence.

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