Welcome to our page!

My name is Vladimir and I study in the Technion Israel Institute of Technology.
This pretty girl siting next to me is my wife - Svetlana.
Do you like her ? I'm too !

Now we are living in Israel about six years, we didn't born here, we imigrated from USSR.
(I came from Odessa,Ukraine and Svetlana did from Kishinev,Moldova).
We speak : English (little) ,Russian , Hebrew.

Our interests :

Computers : (Visual Basic programs, Games like Warcraft 2 , simulate and logical games, quest games).

Vladimir Visotsky - all about him.

Some chemistry and biological subjects.

And more other things.

So ... If you know us from USSR or from any other place or just want get to know us,you are welcome mail to us : bll885@infolink.net.il.

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Thanks for visiting us !