A brief history of automobiles
by S. Luenskens, Boulder, Colorado 1996

In Europe the thirties brought the Volkswagen Bug as a byproduct of the war. This great car was designed by the old Porsche guy, still an awesome name in the automobile business. In the fifties the cars were getting bigger, more fancy and more stylish.

It is the year 1975 when the most reasonable car ever made left the companies driveway. The styles changed, the model variety is nowadays bigger then ever, but in the last 21 years no manufacturer could build a car that blue, that thirsty, that huge, that comfortable and that beautiful as the Gran Torino.

Oil changes are rare and not really necessary, the blue babe needs a quart of oil at every gas stop anyway, so the oil stays fresh and clean. All right, the blinker is not working, but hey, who needs it. With such a car it is understatement not to join all the other little cars and use these tiny little stupid blinkers. If you drive a Gran Torino people will see where you going, there is no need to show them before it actually happens.

In conclusion, there has never been a greater car and it's more than questionable that there ever will be one. It's just impossible. If you agree and want to give this masterpiece of automobile development a new home, mail your offer, accompanied by at least three letters of recommendation, recent checking account statement, and a convincing picture of yourself to:

Stephan Luenskens, West Chester, PA

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