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Hello ^_^ I am currently changing my site, although I don't know what it will be on yet. Please be patient.
As you may have noticed, one of my many nicknames on the 'Net is ShaddowStar, although I also go by Shaddow on IRC. I am a second year university student, majoring in Marine and Freshwater Biology. Unfortunately, my real name is only given to those who know me. The same goes for my ICQ UIN, but if needed, I can be reached by email... the link is at the bottom of the page. Maybe I'll see you around sometime! ~_^

Role Playing -- My Role Playing Characters

Links -- Links to some fun sites that I like

Opinions -- Suggestions, anyone?

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Please come back soon and visit me.

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©1999, 2000 (or in Roman numerals, MCMXCIX, MM) ShaddowStar

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