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Welcome to the Commissioner's Office!

2007 was our most competitive and finest season in the 10-year history of the MDBL. Sadly, the league will suspend operations this year -- I'm not sure if/when the league will re-start, but I would like to thank all participants, both past and present. It was fun while it lasted and I hope the passion for baseball will return after the Major Leagues get their act together. So, for now...the MDBL is closed, but I'm sure it will be revived some day.

2007 MDBL Team Owners/Teams
(1) Grant O. Martin, Dry Martinis --(Founder and Co-MDBL Commissioner)
(2) William J. Noonan, The Brrr Chileez --(Co-MDBL Commissioner)
(3) Jason R. LaFontaine, All That Jazz --(Head of West Coast MDBL Offices)
(4) Dr. Joseph Topping, The ToppsStats
(5) Chris Sinclair, The Highlanders
(6) Mike Moore, The Mechanics
(7) David Yourell, Crazy Horse
(8) Douglas D. Martin, Jr., Martin's West
(9) John Loritz, Fear The Turtle
(10) Laura J. Martin, The Great Gonzos
(11) Jane Martin, The Lucky Stars
(12) Larry Stuart, The Puget Sounders

Need a refresher course in the rules and regulations? Well, we aim to please here at the MDBL. Click on the link below, read on and enjoy the freshly updated small print...

Current MDBL Business:

The Rules of Play --Official Rules as of 3/12/2007

Current MDBL Rosters

View ALL MDBL rosters and moves on
CBS on our league's web page.

The Official Credo of Mason-Dixon Baseball League

"We, the members of the Mason-Dixon Baseball League, do this day promise to adhere to all rules and regulations of good clean Rotisserie. We also (grudgingly) accept interleague play and yet another expansion team with purple colors. The MDBL club owners agree to limit salaries on players such as Russ Adams and Victor Zambrano, as well as maintaining that delicate balance of speed, power and pitching so essential to capturing the elusive pennant. Let us remember always that baseball is a game meant for everyone, not just the wealthy owners of cellular phones. So we will remain faithful and true. We'll still go out to the ballgames and monitor statistics forever. GAME ON!"
(copyright - G. Martin, 1998; revised player names 2007)

The MDBL mantra: "Oh baseball -- that is our heaven, hallowed be thy fields, thy fans will come...thy games are won...on turf as well as natural grass. Give us this day our view from the bleachers -- and forgive us for sneaking food into the Yard, as we forgive Yankee fans for getting better seats than us at our own ballpark. And lead us not into the temptation of high priced free agents, but deliver us from the evil of Peter Angelos and George Steinbrenner. For thine is the true kingdom of grass, pine tar and sweat -- forever and ever, Amen.
(copyright- G.Martin, 1988; revised 2004)

I only have these up because they STILL haven't won a World Series title since 1983 and no division titles since their 98-win, "wire-to-wire" 1997 season! It's been ANOTHER LONG season for the Birds, but Andy MacPhail and Dave Trembley look to be steering the old O's boat in a new direction. Let's hope they can trade Miguel Tejada and some other prospects (Hayden Penn?) for a pitcher and power hitter --- and maybe lure A-Rod to Camden Yards. I love going to York Revolution games in person and I will still make a few trips to Camden Yards next season. HOWEVER, since I am still quite the diehard fan, I plan to watch the Birds as much as possible on...

I'll never forget what Crash Davis (Kevin Costner) said to
Annie (Susan Sarandon) about his belief system:

"Well, I believe in the soul...the cock, the pussy. The small of a woman's back, the hanging curve ball, high fiber, good scotch -- that the novels of Susan Sontag are self-indulgent overrated crap. I believe Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. I believe there oughtta be a Constitutional amendment outlawing astroturf and the designated hitter. I believe in the sweet spot, soft-core pornography, opening your presents Christmas morning rather than Christmas eve - and I believe in long, slow, deep, soft, wet kisses that last three days.......good night!" ---Bull Durham

Last updated: 12 February 2008

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G$ Productions

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