Sigma Kappa Delta Sorority

The Blue and Green

Welcome to the Sigma Kappa Delta Homepage.
Sigma Kappa Delta is a trademarked sorority.

Our mascot is the Tazmanian Devil, and our colors are White, Navy blue and Hunter green.

Due to some problems with a few EX-sisters, we are not currently active at our school. But...if you are interested in joining our sorority at some future date, email me and let me know so that if, and when, we wish to reopen at CCNY, we can contact you.

Visit us again soon, it should look better each day.

If you have any suggestions, comments, or wish to find out more about us

Email us

LINKS and stuff



see you soon...

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This page was created on 9/16/96, by Brother GerK, of Tau Epsilon Phi kid, what!!!

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