College Conquerors

a page for college enthusiasts

College gate

Making College Heaven
"Education costs money, but then so does ignorance."

-Sir Claus Moser

Making College Heaven

College gate

Tell me what College/University you attend:

Thanks your school will be highlighted on our long list of schools

Hello, my name is "lizbeth" and I am your personal college angel. I am here to help you make your assent to the gates of college a heavenly experience! I will guide you every step of the way in making your decisions and applying. If you are all ready in college no problem! I am here for you, to listen to your experiences, for me to tell you more about your College/University, or even for you to tell me more about your school. Are you past college? Well alumni, I have stuff in store for you too! Just float on down the page and fly through this wondrous web site!

----- College Anqel - lizbeth Hey look it is me, lizbeth, your college angel! -----
College Conquerors will advertize pages about colleges and universities. Please submit a 126x30 gif only and your url to: Lizbeth
here is an example

Our Features
Stairway to College Heaven
     All the information you could possibly want to know, and a whole bunch of
     information that you will never need to know! Enter this gate to find out more
     about this page, the theme, its references, and the best way to navigate though
     this slightly confusing mess! Attention NEW VISITORS, go here first to make
     navigating this page less hellish. Ha ha ha pun, you will find alot of those in my
     web site.

Simply the Colleges
     This contains all the college and universities in the USA (not including community
      colleges) and their web pages. They are also marked off by stars, if a visitor of
     College Conquerors attended that school.


     College Conqueror's exclusive College Edition a growing list of college newspapers!!

Waiting Room to College Heaven
     for those who are college bound. Whether you have been accepted and ready
     to go or ready to apply to this new world of college heaven, this is the place for
     you. It is jammed packed with useful reading information, and fun games to
     play, just like any waiting room, only much cooler.

Beyond the Gates of College Heaven
     Current students and alumni of college, this is the place to go. There is lots of
     interactive stuff, information on your college or university, and much more. You
     will definitively find yourself in heaven. Don't forget to check out the great
     humor pages.

College Discussion Groups?
Here is an idea I am playing with - college discussion groups. I would like to know if you think, and if you would visit, read, and post on message boards about:
     --what to bring to college
     --your favorite memories
     --what to expect
     --where to get class notes on the internet
     --your favorite thing about your school
     ...and so on...
          If you think that is a cool idea, please tell me which ones interest you or if you have another idea.

Awards Comming Soon.
College Conquerors has been honored with many awards. You can view them here

Comming Soon: Put a College Banner on Your Site!
Don't forget to let me know you're linking to us so I can link back to you.

Remember please email
all comments to lizbeth -----

Enlightening people since August 08, 1996
~~ ~~
people have been
touched by a college angel
since July 1999

Now playing GIRLS (eventhough it is sexist) by Beastie Boys!!!