Keach's Homepage

A wholly unpredictable outcome of affairs

- For each of us is babbling in the night, and has no way to make his fellows understand just what he would be at. It may be there is some supernal audience which sees and hears with perfect comprehension? Yes, such of course may be the case. But in that event I shudder to think of how we must provoke and bore that audience . . .


MundusVult Decipi


Tampa, Florida

Welcome. As you can see, this property hasn't been surveyed yet, let alone possessing any bluelines toward a structure of any merit. However, be assured that there will be, within a week, SOMETHING planted here (a flag for Spain, perhaps an ACER JAPONICA . . . you just don't know!) from which the 'Whole' will take form. This will be a haven for other wayward cheebles and fellow isolated Dweebians within which all can frolic and munch chocolate to their heart's content.

Please be aware that this site will welcome (Indeed, incourage) all forms of wildlife to visit. Liability is entirely the responsibility of the tourist and no statement, expressed or implied, or in fact, is worth the paper upon which the complete unwritten plays of Christopher Marlowe appear. (Bound or Unbound!) Subjects to be discussed: Tar 'rasslin', Chocolate, W57734, Chocolate, Chesapeake Blue Crabs, Chocolate, Sensitivities of James Branch Cabell, Chocolate, Thematic anamolies, (and, well, . . . you know.)


Favorite Links


[IMAGE]Md Tap (Maryland Technology Assistance Program: THE Place to go for information on Assistaive Technology for Individuals with Disabilities!))

[IMAGE]American Mensa Ltd.)

[IMAGE]TAMPA BAY MENSA - Home of my new (unsuspecting) Mensa Family!>

[IMAGE]Little M: The best Mensa Web Site)

[IMAGE]INTERTEL (The 1% Society))

Seraline HomePage (The B E S T Screen Saver in the World from a great guy "Down Under")

NCSA What's New


The Whitehouse

Stock Market Quotes

Some Useful Search Engines




You can reach me by e-mail at: cheeble@ij.net



- -There was a deal said, sir - what with one thing leading to another, as it were - but no great harm done after all.

- -And no good either, you may depend upon it, Dabney . . . There is never any good comes of interminable palavering . . . This is a case that calls for action, and for instant action, by George!

- -Just as you say, sir, no doubt. And yet - well, in a manner of speaking, sir, and considering, everything - why, what on earth is anybody able to do?

- -I am sure I don't know. But that does not in the least alter the principle of the thing.

In Old Lichfield


Thanks for visiting!