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JEAN-SÉBASTIEN RIOUX CANADA RESEARCH CHAIR IN INTERNATIONAL SECURITY and ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF POLITICAL SCIENCE OFFICE: Pavilllon Charles-De Koninck Université Laval Québec (QC) G1K 7P4 Phone: (418) 656-2131, ext. 13853 Fax: (418) 656-7861 Email: jean-sebastien.rioux@pol.ulaval.ca EDUCATION Ph.D., Political Science (international relations), Florida State University, 1996. Dissertation: The Reputation-Building Behavior of States, 1918-1988. M.S., Political Science (international relations), Florida State University, 1994. B.A., Cum Laude, Political Science, California State University at Los Angeles, 1992. FIELDS OF INTEREST * International conflict processes: escalation, de-escalation, negotiation * Multilateral cooperation & security and international organizations * Comparative foreign policy * Research methods PREVIOUS PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Fall 1999-Spring 2001 Assistant Professor of Political Science Vesalius College, Vrije Universiteit Brussel. In addition to pursuing research activities, advising students and serving on various university committees, I am responsible for teaching and/or have taught the following courses: * "Introduction to American Government & Politics" (POL 121); * "Introduction to International Relations" (POL 212); * "Senior Seminar: International Conflict Analysis" (POL 392). 2000 Adjunct Lecturer, Brussels School of International Studies, University of Kent at Canterbury. BSIS is a graduate-level institution founded by the University of Kent at Canterbury. I have taught the following courses: * "Data Analysis", winter term 2000; * "Third Party Intervention in Regional Conflicts", winter term 2000; * "International Conflict Analysis", fall term 2000. June 1998-Nov. 1999 International Trade Advisor World Trade Centre Montreal Created and ran program of seminars and trade missions for new exporters. Conducted research on markets and potential partners; recruited businesses; liaised with American partners; insured follow-up. Responsible for the content and structure of 60 annual seminars on international trade. Aug. 97-June 98 Post-Doctoral Fellow and Faculty Lecturer Research Group in International Security, Université de Montréal and McGill University * Research, conferences and publications on international security issues * Faculty Lecturer at McGill where I taught International Politics: State Behavior and Conflict, Crisis and War, with a total of 380 students enrolled * Represented the REGIS at the Department of National Defense Security and Defense Forum trip to Bosnia, Croatia and Federal Republic of Yugoslavia * Graduate student supervision: co-supervisor of Sandra Pabón's MA Thesis on UN mediation in Latin American Crises (Université de Montréal). May-Aug. 1997 Economist (ES-02) Statistics Canada, Ottawa Full-time public servant, Dimensions Content Coordinator for the Canadian Social and Economic Information Management database (CANSIM 2). Winter 1997 Faculty Lecturer Concordia University Taught "International Organizations," a course focusing on international cooperation institutions and the United Nations, with 76 students enrolled. Summer 1995 Faculty Lecturer Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL Taught "Introduction to International Relations" with 44 students enrolled. 1993 to 1995 Teaching and Research Assistant Florida State University * RA, spring 1995 for Professor Douglas Lemke * TA, fall 1994 for Dr. Monte Palmer, Introduction to Comparative Politics * TA, summer 1994 for Jürgen Wanke, Research Methods of Political Science * RA, spring 1994 for Professor Patrick James * TA, fall 1993 for Patrick James, Introduction to International Relations. May 1993-May 1994; Jan.-Nov. 1995 Board Operator and Producer WTAL Talk Radio 1450, Tallahassee FL Producer of 3-hour daily live show Florida On Line: ran board, booked guests, screened calls; also read news & weather, cut ads and promos, hosted shows. Nov. 1990 to June 1992 Elections Commissioner California State University at Los Angeles Supervised 4-person team to prepare and run all elections and referendums; created and wrote the CSULA Election Procedures manual. Jan. 1987 to Jan. 1990 Military Service Served in an infantry rifle company and later in Recon unit; assistant squad leader in command of 4-man team in the Recon platoon; received 6 awards. PUBLICATIONS AND RESEARCH ACTIVITY Articles in refereed professional journals 1. Rioux, Jean-Sébastien (1999). "Crisis negotiation outcomes among equals and unequals, democracies and nondemocracies." International Politics, Vol. 36, no. 1 (March): 25-44. 2. James, Patrick, and Jean-Sébastien Rioux (1998). "International Crises and Linkage Politics: The Experiences of the United States, 1953-1994." Political Research Quarterly, Vol. 51, no. 3 (September): 781-812. (Co-authored with Patrick James). 3. Rioux, Jean-Sébastien (1998). "A Crisis-Based Evaluation of the Democratic Peace Proposition." Canadian Journal of Political Science, Vol. XXXI, no. 2 (June): 263-83. 4. Rioux, Jean-Sébastien (1997). "US Crises and Domestic Politics: Crisis Outcomes, Reputation, and Domestic Consequences." Southeastern Political Review Vol. 25, no. 2 (June): 219-229. Book reviews, newspaper articles and other publications 1. (1998) Review of System Effects: Complexity in Political and Social Life by Robert Jervis (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1997), Canadian Journal of Political Science, XXXI:3. 2. (1997) Review of America's Quest for a New Contract with the World, Charles-Philippe David and Onnig Beylerian, eds. (Montréal: UQAM-CEPES, 1995), in Études internationales Vol. XXVIII, no. 2, pp. 429-431. 3. (1996) "New Jersey Drivers Learning to Live with Insurance Company Surcharges," investigative report for the San Jose Post-Record, 27 March 1996, p. A-3+. 4. (1995) Review of Democracy and American Foreign Policy: Reflections on the Legacy of Alexis de Tocqueville, by Robert Strausz-Hupé (New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction, 1995), in Policy Currents. Conference Papers 1. "Bureaucratic Responsiveness to News Media Coverage: A Comparative Study of British, French, Japanese and US Foreign Aid Allocations." Presented to the 97th Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, San Francisco, September 2001 (with Doug Van Belle and David Potter). 2."The Influence of Le Monde Coverage on French Foreign Aid Allocations." Presented to the International Studies Association Annual Meeting in Chicago, IL, February 2001 (with Douglas A. Van Belle). 3. "Domestic and International Determinants of US Presidential Approval." Presented to the tri-annual meeting of the International Political Science Association in Québec City, Canada, August 2000 (with Athanasios Hristoulas and Patrick James). 4. "UN, OAS and US Intervention in Latin American Crises, 1946-1994: Timing, Impact and Lessons for the New World Order." Presented to the annual meeting of the Canadian Political Science Association, Quebec City, Canada, July 2000 (with Sandra Pabón). 5. "A Research Note on Domestic and International Determinants of Presidential Approval." Presented to the Peace Science Society (International) annual meeting, Rutgers University, October 1998 (with Patrick James and Athanasios Hristoulas). 6. "International and Domestic Determinants of Presidential Approval: It's the Economy, Stupid!" Presented at the annual meeting of the International Studies Association, Midwest, Chicago, September 1998 (with Athanasios Hristoulas and Patrick James). * This paper won the F.E. Peacock Award for Best Faculty Paper at the International Studies Association - Midwest 7. "Domestic and International Determinants of Presidential Approval: A Comparative Analysis of Militarized Interstate Disputes and Foreign Policy Crises." Presented to the Third Pan European International Relations Conference and Joint Meeting with the International Studies Association, Vienna, 1998 (with Patrick James and Athanasios Hristoulas). 8. "The Inside-To-Outside Nexus: Domestic and International Factors in Crisis Behavior." Presented at the 94th Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Boston, MA, September 1998 (with Patrick James and Athanasios Hristoulas). 9. "How Did We Fare? Outcomes of Twentieth Century Crisis Negotiations." Presented to the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Political Science Association, June 1998, Ottawa, Canada. 10. "New Leaders, New States, and Reputation-Building Behavior in International Conflicts." Presented to the 1998 Annual Meeting of the International Studies Association, Minneapolis, MN, March 1998. 11. "Une évaluation de l'hypothèse de la paix démocratique par l'analyse des crises internationales." Presented to the Workshop on International Security & Political Economy, Université de Montréal, October 1997. 12. "A Crisis-Based Analysis of Negotiation Outcomes Among Equals and Unequals." Presented to the 93rd annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington, D.C., August 1997. 13. "U.S. Crises and Domestic Politics: Crisis Outcomes, Reputation and Domestic Consequences." Presented to the 67th annual meeting of the Southern Political Science Association, Tampa FL, November 1995. 14. "Chain Stores and Brand Names: The Reputation-Building Behavior of States." Presented to the Peace Science Society (International) annual meeting, Ohio State University, October 1995. 15. "International Crises and Linkage Politics: The Experiences of the United States." Presented to the Peace Science Society (International) annual meeting, University of Illinois, Urbana IL, November 1994 (paper co-authored with Patrick James). FELLOWSHIPS, SCHOLARSHIPS, RESEARCH GRANTS & HONORS 2001-2006: Canada Research Chair award 2000: Conference travel grant, Canadian Political Science Association 1999: F.E. Peacock Award for Best Faculty Paper, International Studies Association-Midwest (with Athanasios Hristoulas and Patrick James) 1998: Named one of "50 Alumni to Watch, 1947-1997" by California State University's Alumni Association 1997-98: Canadian Department of National Defense's Security and Defense Forum Postdoctoral Fellowship with the Research Group in International Security, Univ. de Montréal- McGill 1992-93: College of Social Science Fellowship, Florida State University 1991-92: Recipient of the Hector Elizalde Scholarship, California State University PROFESSIONAL SERVICE * Board Member of the Center for American Studies, Royal Library, Brussels, Belgium; * Member of the Honorary Steering Committee, Master's Program in International Politics, Université Libre de Bruxelles; * Reviewer for the journal International Studies Quarterly; * Faculty Advisor to the Vesalius Model United Nations Club; * Member of the International Affairs Curriculum Committee, Vesalius College - VUB; * Member of the Academic Standards Committee, Vesalius College - VUB. |