Developers Corner

This site is still under development and in the mean time I can only provide links to some useful resources. Please bear with the inconvinience.



GNU C++ GNU C++ (known by insiders as "g++") is a freely available compiler available on many different platforms.
Lutz Lilje's C++ Virtual Library No description given for this site but I guess anyone interested in C++ and associated files will find this site of some use.
General-purpose C++ Site FAQs, C++ articles, and pointers to publication web sites. A good place to start looking.
Draft Standard Working Paper ANSI Draft C++ Standard, April 1995 Working Paper, converted to HTML by Jason Merrill, and other C++ standards information.
GNU E Persistent C++ GNU E is a persistent, object-oriented language which extends C++ to handle persistent data, and program-level data objects that can be handled across multiple executions without explicit I/O operations. Runs on Sparcs and HP Unix workstations.
6502 Cross-Assemblers Douglas Beattie's "MA65" 6502 cross-assemblers produce native 6502 code and are available for both MS-DOS and CP/M-Z80 environments.
The Embedded C++ Home Page

Visit this website to find out the latest on the emerging Embedded C++ Standard.

The Micro-C Development System MICRO-C is a tiny compiler which can run with less than 32k RAM and yet it remains highly independent of CPU and OS.
DOS-Less Embedded PC Applications This archive is designed to help you write code for PC hardware that runs without an operating system.
The Communications Networks Class Library Home Page No description.
C++ Tutorial
A tutorial that offers a good start to beginners in C++ as well as updates to the Standard for more experienced C++ programmers.
C and C++ Online Library References
P.J. Plauger, editor of C/C++ Users Journal, provides news about updates to the C++ Standard, as well as browser-viewable references to the C and C++ Standard Libraries.
The Embedded C++ Home Page
Visit this website to find out the latest on the emerging Embedded C++ Standard.
The V C++ GUI Home Page
Documentation and FTP links to the V Cross-Platform C++ GUI Library. Runs under X Windows and Windows.
Draft Standard Working Paper
ANSI Draft C++ Standard, April 1995 Working Paper, converted to HTML by Jason Merrill, and other C++ standards information.

Other Items of interest

Free BSD

FreeBSD is an advanced BSD UNIX operating system for PCs with excellent support for TCP/IP networking, advanced technical features, and ability to run a wide variety of applications. Visit or ftp from


Linux is a freely-distributable implementation of UNIX for Intel, Motorola 68k, DEC Alpha and Motorola PowerPC machines. It supports a wide range of software, including X Windows, Emacs, TCP/IP networking, and much more. Visit

The Year 2000 and 2-Digit Dates

Read IBM's sizeable document on how to test and prepare for problems when the computer clock rolls over to the year 2000. Ftp from
