welcome Welcome(Chinese)  
SMCC badgeSt. Mary's Canossian College (SMCC) was set up in 1900 by the Canossian sisters. In the early days, the school only had the primary section with both male and female students. Years later, it became an all-girl school with both primary and secondary sections. Today, SMCC is still an all-girl school with both primary and secondary sections. 

This year SMCC celebrates its first 100 years. Several major evens will be held this March and April. One of them is the Centenary Grand Dinner to be held on April 8 (Saturday) at the Kowloon Bay's HITEC ($350 head). If interested, please contact the Ms Kimmy Kwan (Membership Secretary of the Past Student Association) at (852) 2827-4369.

Since this is not an official homepage of SMCC (In case you're wondering, here's the link to the official homepage), this site consists of mostly unofficial personal notes (aka: "BS"). I hope the official facts provided in this site are informative, and my "BS" will make this page more personal and more unique from other SMCC pages on this world wide web.

Updated 24/4/99: Download the Application Form for the Alumni Association!

WANTEDPlease e-mail me picture of the new Winter Jacket so that I can update my uniform page. Your help will be appreciated. 

Please feel free to send me comments or suggestions. 

Reference an old clipping from school newspaper & my rusty memory
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