My best friend from High School-David Fitts asked me to put him on my web page. He taught me all that I know about playing tennis. If you really want to know some dirt about me, ask him. I'm sure he can tell you about getting kicked out of Dunkin' Donuts® and other stories.
Swappers & Collectors Pages - Everything For Collectors! Chats, Links, Lists, Newsgroups...
A proof set is a set of coins that is stamped twice and polished to shine like a mirror in the background. These coins are never touched by bare hands, only gloved hands.
Click here to view a 1995 proof set
Click here to view a Susan B. Anthony Dollar
I attended most of the plays in the playhouse at Furman while I was a student. They are student run productions, guided by professors in the drama department. And they are also CLP's (Cultural Life Program credits). Go to the Drama department to find out more.
The Furman University Drama Department
I owe a lot of my interest in drama to my professor of drama. Margaret Caterisano taught me drama during my first term at Furman, and I have been hooked ever since.