SSUAA Introduction

S ilicon Valley Shandong UniversityAlumni Association (SSUAA) was established on August 10, 1996, in San Jose, California. Alumnus Jianqing Wang of class '77 was elected the president.
T he origin of overseas Shandong University alumni activities can be traced back to the early nineties, when a group of overseas Shandong university alumni established a global electronic network on the Internet and published the first Shandong University alumni web page.
T he network has functioned as a virtual community where alumni strengthen friendship formed in college days, make new friends, and exchange information and ideas about the university, about Shandong, China, etc. Alumni in Silicon Valley played an active role in creating and maintaining the global electronic alumni network, and in communicating with the General Alumni Association on the main campus in Jinan, China.
T he objectives of SSUAA are as follows:
  • To serve as a focus of alumni activities in Silicon Valley
  • To provide members with opportunities to assist one another and to help members enhance their relationship
  • To promote activities that are benefitial to Shandong University such as technology exchange, academic exchange, Internet communication
  • To help maintain/reinforce the relationship between alumni and our Alma Mater
  • To facilitate the establishment and development of alumni associations in other parts of the US
T he name Silicon Valley is used quite figuratively here, to endow the association with a sense of embracing modern hi-tech and advanced ideas. Geographically, it doesn't just refer to the Santa Clara county. Rather, it means the greater San Francisco bay area. As a matter of fact, the founding members live or work from as far north as Berkeley to as far south as San Jose. Any Shandong University alumni from this area is welcome to join.
S SUAA welcomes any Shandong University alumni from other parts of the US to contact this association and discuss about cooperation and communication among regional alumni associations and/or the establishment of a US-wide alumni organization.
Written by Dell Chen.
Revised by Xin(Eugen) Yu, Jianqing Wang and Marsha Chen.
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