miman - 12/29/99 19:43:19
the page is nice, however, only saw old faces, no new blood, by the way is somebody named LI MIN from 83'Physics. Happy new year to all LAO xiaoyou
11/15/99 23:05:53
Name: Free For Chat | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Website de Nice. Merci pour me laisser signer votre guestbook
Tom Zhang - 08/23/99 10:25:09
Hi, everyone,
I haven't worked on this page for a long time.
I just tried and found there were some errors which I've corrected.
I'll try my best to update this page.
Cindy - 09/08/98 09:08:40 My URL:http://www.0001011.com/users/cindy My Email:elalla@hotmail.com comment: Nice page.... please come visit my 0001011 site :-) Thanks, Cindy | Comments: |
The news is not enough. Everything needs to be updated.
Second fool - 08/28/97 00:48:43
Tom, I think you know who I am. Since you ignored my email about a few new comers. I am posting here to push you. Did you receive that email? The "more members" section needs to be updated.
Best withes for your business.
JQ - 08/27/97 23:32:35
Tom, you quited your job with WiSE and setup your own business along with Yu Xin? That's a WISE decision!
Tom Zhang - 08/20/97 03:54:31
Wang Hao, I have quitted my job at WiSE. I am now focusing only on the business that me and Yu Xin have setup -- Wyzard Technology Corporation. My email address is "tommyzh@aol.com". My day time phone # is 408-739-2877. -Tom
WH - 08/15/97 12:14:58
Hi, everyone,
This is a greeting from your motherland!
Does Tom Zhang's email address have changed?
Please email to me!
tester - 08/08/97 16:27:34
Tom Zhang - 08/08/97 08:04:22
Hi, everyone,
I have just updated our SSUAA home page. Hope you will like it. As a new added feature to our home page, this forum provides a place for us to say a few words anonymously. You don't have to worry about people complaining. Feel free to put down your though
s, comments or whatever you like to say.